Helpful Videos

Watch our quick & helpful videos below, they're also available on our YouTube channel

Welcome to Givealittle!

Organisation pages on Givealittle

Campaign pages on Givealittle

Event pages on Givealittle

How to create an Organisation Page (charity or school only)

How to create an Campaign Page (as a charity or school)

Join an Event: as a team, team member, or individual fundraiser

How to create an Event Page

Event page features, plus some how-to's for useful tools you'll likely use as an Event page owner.

If you're an individual - how to create a fundraiser for an already-existing charity, school, or other page.

If you're a group or business - how to create a fundraiser for an already-existing charity, school, or other page.

Fundraise for a charity, school, or campaign NOT already on Givealittle