The Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance is raising funds to protect the special species living in the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area. ALL funds will be used to resource and support the work being done by volunteers to restore habitats through the removal of pest animals and plants, work to improve water quality, installation of nesting boxes, riparian planting, ongoing monitoring, and more! Our goal is for the Waitākere Ranges to be restored and thriving. Thank you so much for your support of our work, which will be for the enjoyment of all.
Total funds raised by these pages: $741.66
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$35 raised The gardeners of the sky.
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$100 raised Nature’s nocturnal nurturer.
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Giant Kōkopu

$90 raised Stars of the water world.
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Matuku / Bittern

$0 raised Masters of the marshland
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Pekapeka / New Zealand long-tailed bat

$266.66 raised These aerial insectivores feed on small moths, midges, mosquitoes and beetles.
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Mokopirirakau / Forest gecko

Some forest geckos have been recorded reaching ages of 40+years!
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Pepeketua / Hochstetter’s frog

$50 raised Hochstetter's is semi-aquatic (lives on land and in the water), and is the only NZ frog species to have a tadpole stage.
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Tuna / Longfin eel

Longfin eel can reach up to 2 metres in length!
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Ōi / Grey-faced petrel

These are one of the few burrowing petrels to still survive on the New Zealand mainland.
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Mātātā / Fern bird

Local populations are lost when wetlands are drained and converted to pasture, and compounded by predation by animal pests.
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Tara / White-fronted tern

White-fronted terns are only found in New Zealand.
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Tūturiwhatu / NZ dotterel

$175 raised The NZ dotterel is a threatened shorebird and can live up to 25 years old.