Age Concern Canterbury works to achieve wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people.
Our services include Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention, a Social Network Team breaking down isolation and loneliness. Home Services, including tradesmen, handymen and home help. Information about retirement, health, benefits, subsidies, recreation and services for older people. Education seminars and the quarterly publication, 'Keeping On'.
Initiated in 1952 by a group in the community who were concerned for the welfare of older people, Age Concern Canterbury has proved a successful contributor to the Canterbury community, supporting older people, many of whom face loneliness, low income and indifferent health. Our vision: "Age Concern Canterbury is the lead organisation in Canterbury that connects, supports, empowers, celebrates and respects all older people in an inclusive community."
Our Mission : “to achieve wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people”. A major strength is the wide community network we have established with other agencies. The co-operation and knowledge sharing generated by such close liaison and communication is invaluable. Age Concern Canterbury is independent although linked with similar bodies through the national network.
Currently we have 14,000 clients active on our data base. The number of clients, and requests for information and support, is steadily increasing as the older population expands.
The emphasis is on promoting health, safety and independence, and alleviating poverty, hardship, vulnerability and isolation.
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Thank you for your very kind donation. It is very much appreciated
Thank you for your kind donation, it is very much appreciated