Allergy New Zealand

Allergy New Zealand

Allergy New Zealand is a national charity that supports Kiwis living with allergies and allergic conditions.


Allergy New Zealand is a national membership-based, not-for-profit society whose primary role is to provide information, education, and support to the many thousands of New Zealanders living with allergies, including those at risk of anaphylaxis.

We also represent their interests particularly to government, policy makers and the media, provide information and guidance to the health, education and food sectors, and support research.

We have the advice and support of a medical panel, which is made up of allergy specialists, nurses and dietitians (see below).

Since 2007, we have been honoured to have Sir Peter Charles Leitch QSM , aka The Mad Butcher, as our Allergy New Zealand Ambassador. Sir Peter has provided an enormous amount of support in fundraising and building our profile.

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We provide reliable information & education to people with allergies to help them live an active & healthy lifestyle. Our activities include food allergy alerts, online & phone support, providing information packs for the newly diagnosed, running workshops for parents, caregivers & schools. We provide advice to preschools & schools on systems to keep children with allergies safe.

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Latest update

Allergy Season  18 September 2014

This Spring we will be celebrating The Allergy Season. This is a new campaign to promote awareness of the increasing burden of allergies, which is the most common chronic health condition affecting New Zealanders. The Allergy Season will run from the 1st September to the 1st of December and consist of three different topics. September: Allergic rhinitis (hayfever) October: Eczema November: Holidaying with allergies (food allergies) We are also encouraging our members and others to hold Inside-Out Picnics in their communities. The Inside-Out Picnics are based on the idea that when people are affected by allergies their lives are turned inside out, so we are asking people to have fun with this concept. For more info visit:

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Allergy New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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