Animal Evac New Zealand Trust

Animal Evac New Zealand Trust

As we receive no government funding, Animal Evac needs your help so that animals are not left behind in emergencies.


Formed in 2018, following the devastating Edgecumbe flood the year prior that saw over 1,000 animals left behind in need of rescue, Animal Evac New Zealand (Kararehe Whakawatea) is a charity comprised of volunteers including veterinary and disaster response professionals, to ensure the needs of animals are better served in future emergencies. Though there is a primary focus on companion animals, Animal Evac works to advocate for all animals that are vulnerable or affected by disasters. A national pool of trained Animal Evac volunteers has been established to provide surge capacity in support of regional animal welfare emergency response.

Purpose: Why Animal Evac ?

• To address the significant animal welfare emergency management capability gap

• To protect disaster affected animals in partnership with the community

• To provide local response to support animal evacuation, sheltering and reunification.

Mission: What we do

A. Promote animal-inclusive hazard mitigation, emergency preparedness and recovery

B. Develop and maintain a regional capability of animal emergency responders

C. Provide training and professional development in animal disaster management

D. Provide initial response to support to emergency services with the evacuation of animals and their temporary care

E. Operate an animal evacuation database available for partner organisations to access to promote real-time collaboration and information sharing during a disaster

F. Work with existing animal shelters for the ongoing care, reunification or rehoming of evacuated animals

G. Implement post-disaster community recovery projects for improving animal welfare and resilience to future events (i.e. microchipping, pet carrier, family emergency plans).

H. Advocate for accountable and capable animal emergency management arrangements.

Values: How we do it

• We are the leading voice for all animals affected by disaster

• We act to do the right thing for the animals in a disaster management context

• We develop local capacity to create animal inclusive community resilience

• We hold to account those with responsibilities to protect animals from disaster

• We inform our position and activities using best practice and scientific knowledge

• We do not advocate on non-disaster related animal welfare issues.

More about us

Animal Evac New Zealand is a registered charitable trust under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. We are the NZ's only dedicated emergency management charity for animals, with a mission to protect animals from disasters. Registered Charity CC55754. We are also the proud custodians of the award-winning Global Animal Disaster Management Conference (

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Cyclone Gabrielle Response February 2023  19 February 2023

Thank you so much for your donation. You're helping us continue our work -- we can never predict when we'll be needed, but your generosity helps us be prepared.

Our volunteers have been working in Mangere and the Hawkes Bay.

You may have seen the rescue of Olly, the eleven year old Golden Retriever, from his flooded home. (Olly the dog saved from Hawke's Bay floodwaters by animal rescuers:

In disaster situations, it's not easy to rescue animals like Olly. Rescues take skill, strategy and equipment. Your donations help to pay for equipment, and the training our volunteers need to do the job safely.

Pigs, cats, sheep, chickens, and horses -- our volunteers work with them all.

Your donations also support the cost of volunteer deployments -- we have been sending skilled, trained volunteers to set up the Mangere and Hawkes Bay response.

This includes our community outreach volunteers. Animal owners affected by the disaster need food, supplies, and advice for their animals. Our community hub volunteers have been there to help.

A message from a Mangere woman who got help from Animal Evac: 'Thank you so so much. You guys have done such a fantastic job. Thank you on behalf of myself and my whole street. Hope you stay safe and much blessing your way.'

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Ruth 4 hours ago
Zach 4 days ago
Private Donor
Private Donor on 11 Oct 2024
Ruth on 23 Sep 2024
Zach on 19 Sep 2024

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Animal Evac New Zealand Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Animal Evac New Zealand Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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