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Bald Angels Charitable Trust

  • WARNING! Angels are flying

      24 January 2025
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    With your help, business sponsors and donors, over 100 volunteers and 20 partner agencies we delivered 2386 Kai Boxes and gifts to 402 vulnerable whānau. 1265 children experienced the joy of Christmas and received a gift, specially chosen for them by social workers who are working with their families.

    They say it takes a village to raise a child, and you are part of our village. So THANK YOU for supporting us as we head into another year, destined to be challenging for us...but so much more challenging for the tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) we work for. Your support not only helps with the practical getting things done (because it all costs something) but also buoys us up, knowing you care and we have an amazing community of good hearted people. THIS is what changes lives and supports our tamariki to be their best selves. Ngā mihi nui- we respect and value you so much.

    Please join us on our Facebook and Instagram for regular pics and stories , and/or subscribe to our newsletter (via our website) for less regular updates.

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  • Christmas 2023 is happening for 1319 vulnerable children because of you

      18 December 2023
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    Yes, 1319 tamariki will be smiling this Christmas because you cared.

    Thank you so much for the amazing support.

    of course it's more than just the gifts or the's knowing people cared enough to pack the boxes, choose and wrap the gifts. And we do care enough. Over 90 volunteers have helped and over 800 volunteer hours went into this 2023 Angel Christmas.

    Every gift is chosen by social service partners & Angels who really care about that child. Wrappers pack aroha into each parcel. Our volunteers all gave up time and energy to make a difference, and YOU donated so we could buy the kai and make this happen. So THANK YOU for making a difference.

    You matter.

    IMAGE: a group of volunteers and Angel social service partners on Packing Day

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  • CHRISTMAS for ALL our children 2023

      10 November 2023
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    It's not ok when kids ask for hair shampoo and conditioner for Christmas. It's not ok when grandparents are raising moko and ask for school stationery for Christmas. It's not ok when families are living in sheds with no electricity or running water in Aotearoa.

    But this is real.

    And YOUR support makes a real difference.

    Not only will these families receive a huge Kai Box and gifts for the tamariki, but they'll be delivered by people who care-from Iwi Social Services, Police, Plunket, Hospice additional care and support is wrapped around the the whānau. That's part of the magic of how we roll here at Bald Angels. We don't just give out- we wrap around. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! And it ALL goes directly to tamariki in need- that's a promise.

    To see our AngelMama's recent interview with Matty on TVNZ BREAKFAST go here:

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  • XMAS 2023 Kai Boxes

      10 November 2023

    Wow! Thank you for helping us support tamariki with Christmas this year! We are so grateful and together we can make a difference.

    When an 11 yr has shampoo and conditioner on their Christmas wish list, it's just heartbreaking. Her mama has terminal cancer and she is her sole caregiver. That child needs our love and attention.

    We have a dedicated Givealittle Page for this Christmas project but wherever you want to help us is great! You ARE bringing joy to precious little ones and their families and that is just so precious.

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  • April Update...

      17 April 2023
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    Cyclones and floods (and old age?) mean the year has flown! It's hard to stop for a breath. We hope you've stayed safe!

    Your donations help us keep delivering the mahi, and it's more important than ever as inflation and hard times mean whānau are under more stress.

    A lot more of our time has been invested in mentoring vulnerable youth this year, and it's making a difference. Anything you can give to help us support young people by connecting them with people they can trust who elevate, empower and build confidence is appreciated.

    We just want to let you know we appreciate you.

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      13 November 2022

    Kia ora lovely peeps! Just letting you know we have another Give A Little (GAL) page operating over Oct, Nov and Dec specifically to help us reach our $60k + target for Kai Boxes this Christmads. You can find that page "HELP US GET KAI BOXES TO KIWI KIDS IN THE FAR NORTH" here on GAL. We will post some updates over there too, and remember, if you'd like to get our Angel News- contact us via our website. We'd love to keep you in the Angel loop.

    Keep your halos polished and remember young people learn from our actions. So be your best YOU today! We think you're awesome!

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  • Ho ho ho... and 400 whanau now have Kai Boxes and gifts

      17 December 2021
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    Hey guys! You're all amazing. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

    An update on our latest project that YOU helped make happen - 'Angels Xmas'

    We have distributed

    • 400 whānau sized Kai Boxes

    • 1300 taitamariki (children and young people) have gifts

    We had over 100 volunteers helping on the 2 days of packing and distributing.

    We have some video on the Bald Angels You Tube page and our Facebook and Instagram are good places to keep updated!

    Please have yourselves a wonderful Christmas-be safe and be happy. You HAVE made a difference. Thankyou!

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  • Kai Boxes to Kids for Christmas!

      29 November 2021
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    Wow you guys are AMAZING! Thankyou so, so much! After the Breakfast show this morning, we've had SO many donations and we appreciate every one. You are making a BIG difference. HONESTLY!

    Full disclosure: We JUST realised we have two active Givealittle pages and the other one is 'HELP ANGELS GET Kai Boxes TO KIWI KIDS'. So, we've just had a double surprise and seen how amazingly generous NZ has been. WOW! this is really going to help us get the kai and gifts to over 1000 tamariki next week. Thankyou thankyou!

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