Butterfly Trust

Butterfly Trust

Butterfly Trust supports long term improvements to health and education in Vanuatu, and also assists with disaster recovery when necessary.


The Butterfly Trust works with less materially privileged communities, primarily in Vanuatu. It focuses on health and education. We listen to what Ni-Vanuatu want, and then assist when asked with resourcing, administration, and monitoring and evaluation. The trust works from the national level to the grassroots village level, ensuring that all the projects we support fit within the strategic plans of the Vanuatu government.

While most of the projects we support concentrate on long-term improvements to health and education, we also assist with disaster relief and recovery when necessary.

All donations to the Trust are used 100% for programme work. There are no deductions for administrative costs from donations.

PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY so we can support as many local communities as possible.

Please visit our website at www.butterflytrust.org, or our facebook page at www.facebook.com/thebutterflytrust/ for more information, or for a thumbnail sketch of our work, read below.

More on the Butterfly Trust:

Since 2010, Butterfly Trust has established community development projects in education and health to assist remote communities in Vanuatu.

The Butterfly Trust is a New Zealand registered charity that works with village and urban communities.

The Trust's main objective is sustainable community development through individual empowerment and the strengthening of local structures and systems.

Contact Trustees David and Lynn Colbert

email: david.lynn@butterflytrust.org

More about us

Butterfly Trust operates in Vanuatu in Education and Health. It partners with local communities, national and provincial authorities and other NGOs. The Trust believes in sharing resources, ideas and spirit for a more equal and harmonious world community.

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Latest update

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Third cyclone in less than a year devastates Vanuatu   4 November 2023

In March this year, communities in Vanuatu including capital, Port Vila, and several southern islands in Shefa and Tafea Provinces were severely impacted by twin cyclones Judy and Kevin. A little over 7 months later, the country has once again been hit. This time, several northern islands including Pentecost, Ambrym and Malekula are particularly affected.

Widespread destruction to crops, homes, schools, health centres, water systems and sanitation facilities has, once again, upturned the lives of many still recovering from the cumulative impact of previous disasters.

Butterfly Trust is currently on Malekula supporting the response. We were getting ready to engage in health promotion activities at schools and kindergartens in central and south Malekula when the cyclone hit. The Trust is now supporting the efforts of the provincial emergency operations centre. We have so far engaged in assisting damage assessments, procuring relief supplies and coordinating initial distributions of emergency relief items.

A huge thank you to our supporters. We deeply appreciate your gifts and gestures in what continues to be a tumultuous time for countless ni-Vanuatu men, women and children.

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Latest donations

Cathy on 24 May 2024
Best wishes Lynn and David for your continued incredible work
Butterfly Trust

Thanks for your generosity and ongoing support Cathy. We are very grateful.

Butterfly Trust
Liz and Ross
Liz and Ross on 12 Nov 2023
Butterfly Trust

Thanks so much Liz and Ross. Your continued support is much appreciated.

Butterfly Trust
Tracey on 08 Nov 2023
The Ni-Van are having a hard time of it, thank you for your work
Butterfly Trust

And thank you Tracey for your ongoing and uplifting support. It is much appreciated.

Butterfly Trust
Craig Thomas and Susan Scott
Craig Thomas and Susan Scott on 06 Nov 2023
Best wishes to you and the people of Vanuatu. With aloha from Hawaii, Susan and Craig
Butterfly Trust

Thanks so much, Susan and Craig. Your ongoing and generous support for Vanuatu is much appreciated.

Butterfly Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Nov 2023
Hi Lynn, Sorry to hear about the cyclone in Vanuatu. So sad that a small island had to go through 3 cyclones in a short period of time . How are you? Please take care of yourself. Regards Albert
Butterfly Trust

Dear Albert, Our deep appreciation for your support once again. Another setback in the long term recovery process for a small island country. We are very grateful for your help.

Butterfly Trust

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Butterfly Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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