Cure Kids

Cure Kids

Cure Kids funds child health research to help improve, extend and save the lives of Kiwi kids living with serious illnesses and conditions.


We focus on raising funding to enable high-impact, New Zealand-based medical research to help save, extend and improve the lives of children diagnosed with serious life-impacting and life-limiting health conditions.

Cure Kids was established by Rotary in 1971 as the Child Health Research Foundation, and since then we have invested more than $55 million in New Zealand research which has helped to shape and vastly improve the way children who live with serious diseases and health conditions are diagnosed and treated.

Cure Kids’ funding supports researchers across New Zealand whose work focuses on childhood cancers, inherited heart conditions, epilepsy, infectious diseases, cystic fibrosis, sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI), stillbirth, burns as well as child and adolescent mental health – and many, many other areas of research.

Cure Kids is the largest funder of child health research outside the government. We work hard to support the best research possible to make a measurable difference to the health and well-being of children in New Zealand. This is made possible by the continued generosity of individuals, businesses and community groups across our remarkable country.

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Emma 57 mins ago    Give Hollie a Classic Cut!
Hollie, what a legend!!! It has to be friar tuck right?? Although I remember you did a bit of wrestling yourself so maybe Hulk Hogan is more fitting?!? Your Mum will love this. Sending lots of love, Emma (Anne’s friend who the Dirty C has also latched on to 👊) xx
Diana 13 hours ago    Give Hollie a Classic Cut!
I am yet to meet you, but just know based on most of my chats with your delightful sister (who is a legend herself) you are a bloody champion. All for this cause & wish I could do more to support. Quite keen to see the wrestler as I missed the boat the first time I hear. Good on you!!
Renee 15 hours ago    Give Hollie a Classic Cut!
I’d like to see a Hulk Hogan ‘do’. Firstly to hark back to your wrestling days, and secondly because I’m damn sure you can make the hair and the moves look so much better than him….🤷‍♀️❤️😘
Malcolm 1 day ago    Give Hollie a Classic Cut!
My votes for the friar tuck
Hollie Weir

Reckon you've got a friars robe somewhere I could borrow if that wins?! ;) THANK YOU!

Hollie Weir
Shane 1 day ago    Give Hollie a Classic Cut!
Hulk hogan you got this
Hollie Weir

THANK YOU! (Although I know it's just cos you wanna see me bald!! hahaha)

Hollie Weir

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Cure Kids (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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