Deaf Aotearoa

Deaf Aotearoa

Deaf Aotearoa aims to create opportunities so Deaf people can achieve their aspirations.


Deaf Aotearoa is the national organisation representing the voice of Deaf New Zealanders, and the national service provider for Deaf people in New Zealand, with 14 offices nationwide.

Deaf Aotearoa services are available to deaf people throughout their lives, from early childhood access to New Zealand Sign Language and transitioning from school to greater independence, to employment support and assistance with accessing equipment.

Deaf Aotearoa aims for full access and participation for Deaf people in Aotearoa, with the purpose of creating opportunities that enable Deaf people to achieve their aspirations. Deaf Aotearoa works closely with the Deaf community, government agencies and other organisations to strengthen rights for Deaf people.

Deaf Aotearoa also runs New Zealand Sign Language Week each year, to promote and celebrate New Zealand Sign Language as an official language of New Zealand.

Use of funds

Service delivery and operational costs are Deaf Aotearoa’s fundraising priorities. This can mean some projects, like building development or events, are dependent on donations and bequests. Most donations and bequests are made for general purposes, allowing Deaf Aotearoa to use these gifts wherever they are needed most. Donations and bequests given for a specific purpose are used as intended by the giver.

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Latest donations

Sid and Karen
Sid and Karen 7 days ago    Run For Deaf Aotearoa
Well done, Mum would be very proud! Great to hear of your advocacy for the Deaf community, best of luck on your journey!
Aria Carroll

Thank you so much! This is much appreciated and will do so much good for the organisation! 🤍

Aria Carroll
Yon on 16 Jul 2024
Deaf Aotearoa

Kia ora, thank you for your ongoing support. We couldn't do what we do without you 💖

Deaf Aotearoa
Tara on 13 Jul 2024
Deaf Aotearoa

Kia ora, thank you so much for your generous donation we really appreciate it 😊

Deaf Aotearoa
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jul 2024
Deaf Aotearoa

Kia ora, thank you so very much for your kind and generous support for the work we do, we sincerely appreciate it :-)

Deaf Aotearoa
Len on 05 Jul 2024
Deaf Aotearoa

Kia ora, thank you so very much for your kind and generous support for the work we do, we sincerely appreciate it :-)

Deaf Aotearoa

Who's involved?

Deaf Aotearoa's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Deaf Aotearoa (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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