Putting DI 1102 back on the mainline
3 October 2024A Fire Suppression system has now been fitted to DI 1102. The chosen system is the GVR system, as fitted to GVR’s DBR 1254.
We've worked with GVR to produce a system that targets known areas of concern, e.g. engine room mounted electrical equipment and dynamic brake cables-anywhere that presents a significant possibility of catching fire.
Once a fire is detected, the system can be delayed by the crew in order to reach a point of safety before shutting the loco down.
Coupling plugs have been fitted to each end of the loco to enable it to be “plugged in” to another loco, this enables any fire on a trailing unit to be advised to the crew.
The main components of the system are housed in the short hood of the loco. This is different from the GVR system as the main components are mounted in the cab area on GVR’s locos. This is necessary for our locos as there is a shortage of usable space within the confines of the cab area, particularly on DF and DG locos. To achieve this, the main display has been replicated in a remote panel that is mounted on the cab rear wall.
The next step is a submission to the Heritage Technical Committee for signoff.
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