Māori cancer researchers and advocates committed to fewer cancers, survival equity and better outcomes for whānau Māori.
Kia ora e te whānau.
In Aotearoa Māori have a 20% higher cancer incidence rate and are twice as likely to die than non-Māori. This is intolerable, unjust and inequitable. We have found inequities and differential treatment at nearly every step of the cancer continuum.
We are the only network in Aotearoa that provides a space for Māori cancer specialists to come together, research, collaborate and address inequities collectively.
Our charity is driven by aroha and volunteer hours and we rely heavily on community support.
Our whānau is made up of Māori cancer professionals, clinicians, researchers and whānau who are dedicated to fewer cancers, survival equity and cancer control being whānau centered, ora enabling, mauri restoring, mana enhancing, tapu upholding and wairua led.
The 4 pou of our whare are:
Māngai - we unapologetically advocate for better outcomes for whānau
Rangahau - we research and influence other researchers to deliver better outcomes for whānau
Mātauranga - we provide expert cancer knowledge to the sector
Āhuru - we provide a safe space for Māori experts to connect, research, collaborate and create
Hei Āhuru Mōwai Māori Cancer Leadership is a national network committed to eliminating cancer inequities between Māori and non-Māori