Howick and Districts Historical Society

Howick and Districts Historical Society

Support Auckland's living history museum to continue to protect our heritage and provide an outstanding experience to visitors.


Howick Historical Village is an open-air, history museum in East Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, with over 30 historic buildings, 7.5 acres of heritage gardens, and thousands of collection items. The historic buildings and gardens require ongoing maintenance and care, which means the museum relies heavily on grants from trusts and local council.

The Howick Historical Village does not receive any core funding from the regional museum infrastructure and has always relied on dedicated volunteers to ensure the history of the region is kept alive.

Your donation will support the vital conservation of historic buildings and the protection of collection items to ensure that future generations can experience the story of early Auckland.

More about us

Auckland’s Heritage Museum | Experience living history in Tāmaki Makaurau

Between 1847-1854, eleven ships brought the 2,500 Fencibles and their families, which nearly doubled the population of Auckland at that time. Other Fencible villages were at Panmure, Otahuhu, and Onehunga. All this history and more have been captured and brought to life at the Howick Historical Village with almost 40 historical buildings on 7.5 acres of land.

As an independent charity, we rely on the support of our visitors, community and volunteers to preserve our local history and culture. Donations are crucial in helping us with long-term conservation and development projects. Every dollar really does make a difference, and we thank you so much for your support.

Use of funds

Looking after our collections for the future is the cornerstone of everything we do. It is one of our biggest responsibilities and an ongoing challenge. Your donations will help us to care and maintain for all aspects of the Village and exhibits. We are constantly faced with new and unexpected challenges and without ongoing protections, the unique story of the Fencibles and early settlers will be lost forever.

Latest donations

Maja Heiniger
Maja Heiniger 5 days ago
Anna on 05 Mar 2025
In memory of my father Ross Warren & the work he did for the village, which was a huge part of his life.
Howick and Districts Historical Society

Thank you Anna and our deepest condolences on losing your father. We greatly appreciate this incredibly generous gift made in his name, and your encouragement of others to donate in his name as well. How thoughtful of you and your family to be supportive of your community during this time. Your father was a legend and without him, the Society, Village, Bell House, and Hawthorn Dene would only be a fraction of what they are today. Your father will be missed and his memory cherished by the Board, staff, and our volunteers. Thank you again and our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. -Lexie, General Manager

Howick and Districts Historical Society
Supporter on 27 Feb 2025
Toward strategic plan development
Howick and Districts Historical Society

Many thanks for your support! We are grateful to you for your generous donation toward this important work. -Lexie, General Manager

Howick and Districts Historical Society
Peter on 25 Feb 2025
Thankyou for your research help.
Howick and Districts Historical Society

Thank you Peter! Your kind donation goes a long way in supporting our programming and collections. We are grateful to you and happy to help with your research query. - Lexie, General Manager

Howick and Districts Historical Society
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Oct 2024
Howick and Districts Historical Society

Many thanks for your act of kindness with this generous donation. We are grateful to you! -Lexie, General Manager

Howick and Districts Historical Society

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Howick and Districts Historical Society (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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