IMAgEN8 Limited

IMAgEN8 Limited

Nurturing a Love for Nature


IMAgEN8's goal is to nurture a love for Nature in children and young adults. We run photography workshops that connect students with Nature, to enhance their well-being and foster environmental stewardship through creative expression.

The strength of this love for Nature and deepening of connections to our physical world improves their mental wellbeing, fosters increased awareness for the environment, builds compassion, and manifests as 'kaitiakitanga'.

We pursue these aspirations by giving students the opportunity to spend time in Nature, exploring and experimenting with mindful nature photography. The students learn digital photography skills, expand their creative writing, and enhance their ability to see the wonders of the natural world all around them. They love seeing their photographs printed, enjoy writing captions and are thrilled when they see their work published in an inspirational book at the end of the workshop series.

We believe that by forming deep connections and love for our natural environment, we are happier, more compassionate, conserve what we love, and live sustainably. This fuels our passion to work with diverse com- munities, ages, and schools, so we can contribute to fostering a more sustainable society and planet for us all.

IMAgEN8 is a registered charity. All donations and earned income fund future workshops. Thank you for your generous contribution to this effort!

More about us

IMAgEN8 is a registered charity whose purpose is to foster sustainable connections with New Zealand's natural environment in our diverse communities through education, photography and technology.

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Josie 1 day ago
Gloria 1 day ago
Thanks for everything!
Belinda 1 day ago
Stefania on 19 Nov 2024
Max R.- Compassionate Nature (Oct Edition) magazine
Hillary on 18 Nov 2024
Compassionate Nature (Oct Edition) magazine

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, IMAgEN8 Limited (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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