Kidz Need Dadz New Zealand

Kidz Need Dadz New Zealand

Help KND NZ support Dads, to be as good and as involved as possible, so kids can thrive!


For all sorts of reasons, Dads have questions. Kidz Need Dadz NZ offer free phone or personal support, DadzKare Groups and information or correspondence courses.

Our Mission is to strengthen father-child relationships through support, education and fun. 'Why Dads?' booklets are for new parents, we help Dads around Baby Time Issues, all sorts of Parenting Support, Our Discovering Fatherhood and Anger Management Correspondence courses are popular.

Dads find us for Mediation, Shared Care, Surviving Separation or KidzKare Supervised contact.

We really, really appreciate any donation, surviving is never far from our minds, and we are a registered Charity, so please claim your IRD Tax rebate :)

Givealittle Donations are used very carefully, often for fun events, bringing families together.

KND began in Tauranga in 2002, we have DadzKare teams Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We are Mums and Dads, we have a great volunteer Board, a few paid staff, more part timers, some contract workers and many amazing volunteers. Our new DadzKare Navigator role, on Seek Volunteer, is for Mums or Dads who want to help spread our services.

In our vision, children have engaged fathers in loving families, so they can thrive.

KND have teams of experts and volunteers in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington And Christchurch. We are a safe place to korero e rangimarie, talk through any Dad related issues, with peers, in peace. We help with forms, family situations, finding lawyers and as McKenzie Friends in Court.

More about us

Kidz Need Dadz aims to strengthen father/child relationships through support, education and fun.

We offer phone, drop-in, DadzKare Group, Zoom and personal support services, correspondence courses, Why Dads? booklets and staff training seminars.

We really appreciate any donations and volunteers :)

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Latest donations

Clarke 22 hours ago
Kieran 23 hours ago
Allan H is an amazing and kind man. A huge person in our society
Laura 3 days ago
For all you do. L
Jeff on 17 Jul 2024
I really appreciate what you guys are doing for Dads and I’m grateful for the support Alejandro has been providing throughout this stressful period for me 😁
Laura on 10 Jul 2024
For all you do. L

Who's involved?

Kidz Need Dadz New Zealand's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kidz Need Dadz New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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