Mangawhai Daring Trust

Mangawhai Daring Trust

We aim to tell how New Zealand developed culturally, socially, and politically during the 1860's through the stories of the ship the Daring.


The 1863 schooner the Daring has some incredible stories to tell about the cultural, agricultural and political development of New Zealand in the mid 1860's. As custodian of the Daring and her stories the Mangawhai Daring Trust is working with conservators to preserve the metals and timbers of the vessel to ultimately display her in a purpose built museum, the Daring Discovery Centre. Curation of the museum will include the display of the ship and the treasures found within her hull. Interactive and educational resources are being developed to support the 2022 education curriculum focus for school groups visiting from the Auckland and Northland regions.

More about us

The trust is custodian for the 53ft 1863 schooner the Daring which was recovered from the intertidal zone of Muriwai Beach and is now being preserved at Mangawhai where a museum is being built to share the stories of New Zealand life in the mid 1860's

Latest update

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Building the Daring Discovery Centre.  31 January 2025

After considerable deliberation and completion of a feasibility study to ensure we are well on track for the viability of the Daring project, a decision was made to develop the Daring Discovery Centre as an integral part of the Mangawhai Museum. A joint steering committee has worked through the concept and a Project Agreement was signed at an event this week (28th Jan 2025), where Kaipara District Council and the chairs of both the Mangawhai Museum and the Daring Trust outlined the project and way ahead.

We are excited to be able to now progress with building the Daring Discovery Centre which on completion will create a globally significant ‘one stop’ visitor experience in Mangawhai.

Concept drawings have been agreed and we are now heading into the building design and consents phase. Here’s an image of what the combined building will look like.

It’s now that we really need your help to fund the next phase. We aim to be at the “shovel ready” stage by the end of May 2025. Any support you can give will be very much appreciated and will go a long way in preserving the Daring.

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Linda 3 days ago
What a beautiful boat. Keep up the good work.
Mangawhai Daring Trust

She is certainly a real treasure and has some great stories of life in 1860's NZ to tell. Thanks so much for your support.

Mangawhai Daring Trust
Patricia on 25 Feb 2025
In memory of a Jim Wintle and his leadership in multiple developments at Mangawhai. The Taylor Family
Mangawhai Daring Trust

Thank you for your memorial donation. It's such a sad time. We will miss him dearly.

Mangawhai Daring Trust
Mary on 24 Feb 2025
In Loving memory of Jim Wintle.
Mangawhai Daring Trust

Thank you for your memorial donation. It's such a sad time. We will miss him dearly.

Mangawhai Daring Trust
Christine and Bill
Christine and Bill on 23 Feb 2025
In Loving memory of Jim Wintle
Mangawhai Daring Trust

Thank you for your memorial donation. It's such a sad time. We will miss him dearly.

Mangawhai Daring Trust
Iain and Marion
Iain and Marion on 23 Feb 2025
In memory of Jim Wintle
Mangawhai Daring Trust

Thank you for your memorial donation. It's such a sad time. We will miss him dearly.

Mangawhai Daring Trust

Who's involved?

Mangawhai Daring Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Mangawhai Daring Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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