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Mangawhai Daring Trust

  • Building the Daring Discovery Centre.

      31 January 2025
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    After considerable deliberation and completion of a feasibility study to ensure we are well on track for the viability of the Daring project, a decision was made to develop the Daring Discovery Centre as an integral part of the Mangawhai Museum. A joint steering committee has worked through the concept and a Project Agreement was signed at an event this week (28th Jan 2025), where Kaipara District Council and the chairs of both the Mangawhai Museum and the Daring Trust outlined the project and way ahead.

    We are excited to be able to now progress with building the Daring Discovery Centre which on completion will create a globally significant ‘one stop’ visitor experience in Mangawhai.

    Concept drawings have been agreed and we are now heading into the building design and consents phase. Here’s an image of what the combined building will look like.

    It’s now that we really need your help to fund the next phase. We aim to be at the “shovel ready” stage by the end of May 2025. Any support you can give will be very much appreciated and will go a long way in preserving the Daring.

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  • We're making great progress

      2 June 2022
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    Donations received via our givealittle page have been put to good use. Over the summer months we developed an interactive display at the Mangawhai Museum. In addition to the static display of artefacts found within the ship, we developed a scale version of the windlass, a derrick for loading ship, a chip log and line, and timber and trenail table for visitors to experiment with. Parts of this exhibition remain on display at Urlich Cottage at the Mangawhai Historic Village. Our professional conservation team have now completed timbers and metals analysis and finalised a conservation recommendations document which will guide the conservation process over coming years. Work on the ship has involved: removal of most of the iron fastenings for separate treatment, realignment of the windlass and bowsprit, removal of the iron sand from between the sawn frames and planking, reconstruction of beams to hold the vessel in shape. The planning and design of the building to house the Daring Discovery Centre and the curation and visitor experience plans are now well under way.

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