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Pound Paws Rescue

  • Bella, 4 month old Retriever

      21 October 2024
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    We received a call from a vet clinic to see if we could help Bella, we've said yes. She has been surrendered to the Vet clinic by her owners. Bella has been very unwell and is going into surgery now - suspected foreign object. Update - a toy was removed from her intestine, she is in recovery.

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  • Ted the Labrador

      11 October 2024
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    The Vet team say is he going great post surgery and is such a happy boy to have around. They have kindly offered to foster him during his recovery. He is on strict rest and meds.

    Ted's owners reached out to us on Wednesday night. A lovely family who care about him and miss him a lot. Ted will be going back to them when he's ready. Thanks so much to you all for your help in achieving this happy outcome.

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    • 11/10/2024 by Lisa

      Fantastic news!! So pleased Ted's healing well and will be heading back to his family after his recovery :)

  • Labrador - broken leg

      9 October 2024
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    We were contacted by a vet clinic to see if we could help Ted. He had been hit by a car and needed surgery for a broken leg. He was surrendered by his owners. Thanks to the public, we were able to raise the funds for Ted's surgery which is being done today. Thanks so much everyone. ❤️

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  • Retired Working Dog Trev

      3 October 2024
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    He is so much happier and comfortable! It's a joy to watch him play with toys and do a wee zoomie. He loves going for walks and snoozing on the couch.

    3 weeks ago Trev had a partial seizure.He hasn't had any since. We have decided it's in his best interests for him to stay in his foster home where he is settled and happy. We will cover his food and any medical needs. We wish we could offer many more dogs like Trev the chance of a treasured retirement.

    💛 Thanks to all of our supporters that help us make a difference for dogs like Trev.

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  • Timaru Labrador in foster care

      27 September 2024
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    7 year old Jazz.

    Needs 1 maybe 2 teeth extracted.

    Needs to go on Hill's Metabolic/Mobility J/D.

    Currently 38.8 kg. Has previous knee surgery and muscle wastage. Lovely natured girl.

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  • 10 year old Bichon Toby ❤️

      4 September 2024
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    Toby is a lovely happy boy that came into our care recently from Woodend. Sadly his owner has passed away. We followed up on Toby's vet history and he has a grade 2 heart murmur. Not usually a problem, but he's had a cough for a very long time. Today he started on 2 types of heart medication- paws crossed we will know within a week if this helps him!

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  • Senior Candy

      4 September 2024
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    ❤️ Precious senior Candy (Beardie) was spayed today. The Vet said that there were over a hundred cysts on her ovaries and uterus, she'd never seen so many before. 😔 We are just so glad it's done and hope to have many more happy days with Candy enjoying her new life. ✨️

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  • 💓 Precious retired working dog Trev had his vet treatment today.

      18 August 2024
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    2 broken canines and a root were extracted. He has arthritis in his Carpi and hips. We will get him started on 4CYTE. He started on pain relief from day one in our care (after his first vet check).

    Every retired working dog (and often the failed working dogs) that has come into our care has arrived painful. They are also fantastic natured and adjust to being inside dogs so well. It's very rewarding to see them thrive and be as comfortable as possible. We wish we could help more of them.

    Thank you to Trev's foster Mum for giving him the best of care. ✨️

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  • Candy - 14 year old Beardie from a farm

      30 July 2024

    Candy has been in our care for 6 weeks now. It's a joy and a pleasure to give her this treasured retirement. She has multiple mammary lumps and a vaginal mass - operating is not an option.

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  • Another Blue.....

      30 July 2024

    Beautiful sweet natured Blue came into our care weighing 15.9kg. Vets put her body condition score at a 1 out of 9. She ate Royal Canin 4800 and gained about 500 grams per day until reaching a healthier weight of 25.3kg. Vets think she will gain a little bit more muscle mass and probably settle around 26kg.

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  • 13 week old Huntaway cross

      9 July 2024

    He is safe now, in a loving foster home and receiving treatment.

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  • 💙 Blue

      9 July 2024
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    Approx 13 weeks old, Huntaway mix. Now safe in our care and getting all that he needs to recover.

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  • Animates Promotion Day

      6 July 2024
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    Last weekend some of our lovely volunteers held a promotion day at Animates in Papanui. We have Huntaway cross pups fostered from Dunedin /Oamaru/ Waimate /Twizel /Mayfield /Springston. So far 5 of the Huntaway pups have found fabulous homes, still 15 to go!

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  • 11 Huntaway / Heading pups

      6 May 2024

    The same week as the Lab x pups, we received 11 Huntaway x Heading pups from inland Oamaru. We offered free desexing but sadly it was declined.

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  • 8 Lab cross pups

      6 May 2024
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    The 1st week of April was a busy one. These pups came to us from Clutha District. All females, lovely pups, owners couldn't find good homes for them. They has since spayed the Mum 🙌

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  • Maeve Update

      6 May 2024
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    15 April - Maeve had her external frame removed. Her broken leg is healing really well. 6 May - now allowed to have a bit more freedom and gentle walks. Will soon be available for adoption. :)

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  • Mauve - pup with broken leg

      12 March 2024
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    Thank you all so much for contributing towards Mauve's surgery! Her operation went great and she is going into foster care to recover for the next 6-10 weeks. This could not have been achieved without your help! Much appreciated, Charlie and team, Pound Paws Rescue :)

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  • Dental Extractions Required

      6 November 2023
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    Beautiful senior Kai came to us from Timaru on Friday night. She needs extractions. We need to raise the funds for this, we don't have enough to cover it. Will be putting together some raffles, if anyone would like to donate any new items, gift cards, vouchers, please get in touch, we would be so grateful. 🩷 Thank you 🐾

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  • Surgery Needed for ex Pound dog

      4 August 2023
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    This beautiful senior Huntaway was found wandering. Was impounded and unclaimed (Photo is in pound).

    She has been named Rain and has been in foster care for a couple of weeks, has gained weight and confidence. She is a beautiful natured girl (Sunshine! 🧡) and is soaking up all of the home comforts.

    Rain has obvious large lumps on her stomach. She needs surgery for Mammary Mass Removal (and spay) - estimated cost $1,500.

    👉 THANK YOU to all of you for your ongoing support. We currently have the highest amount of dogs and puppies in our care, ever.

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  • ❤️ New Arrivals - 2 very precious seniors.

      22 July 2023
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    2nd one is Hector, 12 year old Labrador, beautiful.

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  • ❤️ New Arrivals - 2 very precious seniors.

      22 July 2023
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    Female Huntaway from the pound. Has suspect mammary lumps. Fostered Rakaia.

    Male Labrador (12 years) whose owner very sadly passed away. Fostered in Oamaru.

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  • ... and the last 3

      3 July 2023
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    Our volunteer foster carers have been amazing!

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  • Handraised pups - 9 in total!

      3 July 2023
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    Thanks for your support!

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  • Hand Raised Huntaway pups

      3 July 2023
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    The rescued Huntaway pups will be 6 weeks old on Thursday! Thank you so much to all that have donated towards their care! They are growing up fast, are thriving, happy and chubby!

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  • We need help with supplies!

      10 June 2023
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    👉 The 4 day old Huntaway pups are now 16 days old and they are thriving! 6 girls, 3 boys.

    We need help with supplies!

    Estimate for 9 pups is:

    6kg milk powder per week ($58 for 5kg)

    36 cans starter mousse per week ($50 for a 12 pack)

    Puppy pads

    Baby wipes

    Large breed dry Puppy food

    Plus for our Dunedin foster carer:

    * Easy washable blankets

    * Puppy play pen

    * Plastic pet bed

    Registered Charity CC60695

    ✨️ Thank you!

    👉 The pups were rescued from a farm. They were going to be killed. We believe this is common practice by many. It's so avoidable. * Did you know that it is legal to "dispose" of pups by shooting them?

    PLEASE break the cycle that is being passed down from generations.


    Once fully recovered from the operation, your dog will be ready to work again, without the inconvenience of unwanted pregnancies. Makes sense eh!

    While they are at the vet - they can also receive a health check. We receive many ex working dogs that arrive very painful with arthritis and require dental extractions (broken, infected, rotten, pulp exposed).

    🩷 A huge THANK YOU to the foster families (Dunedin, Waimate, Timaru) that have simply been amazing. We are so grateful for you.

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  • 9 Rescued Farm pups

      30 May 2023
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    5 days old. We have 3 dedicated, experienced volunteer foster homes caring for 3 pups each, 24/7.

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  • Adoption Update

      15 May 2023
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    🩷 This is so special. 🥳 Blue came to PPR as an old boy from a farm with a large lump on his leg. Such a beautiful natured soul. All fixed up and adopted to an amazing home and here is his latest update:

    "Well Blue marked his 4th anniversary with us which we also celebrated as his 15th birthday (there or there abouts based on his approx age when we adopted him). Can't believe how far he's come and how much he still loves life even if he's a lot slower and more tired! He still makes an effort on short walks to say hi to other dogs and give everything a good old sniff. He adores his meals and treats and bones (even if it's more of an effort than before!), but I think what keeps him going is his daily snuggles with us on the couch and the nights we let him sleep beside us in bed ❤️ He's just the most wonderful little soul and I know you'll be so happy knowing he's made it this long living his best life! And knowing Blue, he'll be aiming for another year!"

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      15 May 2023
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    Freddie was just 6 weeks old when he needed an urgent inguinal hernia operation. ✨️Thankyou to the vet team that reached out to us, to the foster family that cared for him and to you all that so kindly and quickly donated to save Freddie.

    Freddie has been adopted and is enjoying being a treasured family member:

    "Freddie has settled in so well to our family. Such a social and friendly wee pup. He loves to be outside and adventuring in the garden and going for rides in the cars. He’s very affectionate and enjoys cuddles and pats. We are very grateful to PPR for allowing us to have this gorgeous boy." 🐾

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  • Freddie - pup with hernia

      19 April 2023
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    Freddie is going great! All healed!

    We so appreciate all of your support to help him. He is a fun loving, energetic and social pup. He has a family meeting him next week with a view to adopt him.

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  • Pup - Update

      28 March 2023
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    🩷 UPDATE from the Vets: Surgery went well. He's had a little to eat and is now having a sleep.

    Thanks heaps to everyone that contributed towards his surgery. If there is any over the amount needed, this will go towards our other special needs dogs. Really appreciated.

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      28 March 2023
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    A vet clinic has just reached out for help for a beautiful little 6 week old male pup that was facing euthanasia (duck tolling retriever / beagle / spoodle mix) that has an inguinal hernia and requires urgent surgery - updated: estimated cost $700 to $1,000.

    We have said yes please do the surgery. One of the vet team will foster him for us, once ready, he will go up for adoption. (We are not taking any interest for adoption at the moment).

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  • Retired Working Dog - 10 year old Pete

      4 March 2023
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    Thank you so much for your donations! The money raised so far has paid for Pete's vet bill! He needed treatment for a ruptured ear drum, a grass seed removed from the other ear, xrays, bloods, urine tests, a rotten tooth extracted (a Molar with roots intact - a big job to extract). He is going really well and will soon be up for adoption, seeking a loving retirement home. :)

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