SADD - Students Against Dangerous Driving

SADD - Students Against Dangerous Driving

Each week in NZ a teen never makes it out of their car.They never said goodbye. Your donation will help to say goodbye to teen fatalities.


In the last 30 years (since SADD has been operating), 2,371 15-19 year olds were needlessly killed on our roads. 2,371 young kiwis never got a chance to become adults, get married or be parents of their own.

The student-led programme empowers youth to create, promote and employ strategies that aim to encourage their peers to adopt safer attitudes and behaviours.

SADD is active in 77% of all secondary schools and is committed to achieving universal coverage of the programme, believing it is a necessary entitlement for all young drivers and passengers. SADD is free to all secondary schools, and their students, therefore, your support will go directly to running the programme and educating our New Zealand youth to make safe choices on the road.

More about us

We aspire to have ZERO teenage road fatalities. As a charity organisation our purpose is to effectively empower young people to create, promote and employ strategies to encourage their peers to adopt safer attitudes and behaviours to enhance their life outcomes.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, SADD - Students Against Dangerous Driving (Charity)
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