Sources of Unconditional Love

Sources of Unconditional Love

SOUL aims to dissolve prejudice & discrimination with unconditional love & respect. Our programmes support teenage girls taking the lead.


To mark World Friendship Day on Tuesday 30 July, hundreds of Kiwi teenagers will be dancing in SOUL’s Friendmob for Christchurch to show the world to choose respect over judgement and cooperation over competition. SOUL’s Friendmob events are happening simultaneously at Auckland International Airport, Christchurch Airport and Wellington Airport at 12pm on 30 July. The recent events in Christchurch have reinforced just how important it is to expand the window of compassion and love in response to prejudice and discrimination. The Friendmob aims to highlight the value of having real friends in tough times. How you can help – Dance or Donate or better still - both :-)


Watch the video and learn the ‘helicopter’ move. It’s easy and it doesn’t matter if you just swing one arm – that’s way cool. Then at 12 noon on 30th July live video your dance using the hashtags #friendmob #worldfriendshipday and #unconditionallove.


If dance isn’t your thing get into the spirit of the Friendmob by helping it happen this time or supporting teenage girls to get even more courageous for next time.

What will your donation give?

$20 will sponsor a teenage girl to join a SOULsquad.

$50 will sponsor a SOULgirl for one school term

$100 will sponsor a SOULgirl for two school terms

$10 will buy a SOUL Tshirt for one “Friendmobber”

$200 will sponsor a SOULgirl for an entire year

Having drawn on the strength and experience gained from being part of SOUL, teenage girls are now courageously stepping up (and stepping out with their dance moves) to help put an end to discrimination.

More about us

SOUL was launched in 2016 with the intent of supporting and inspiring young women to reach their potential through programmes based on unconditional love . Over the past 6 years we have had a privilege of working with hundreds of remarkable and courageous young women and many dedicated educators in schools across the country.

Unfortunately the events of 2020 saw SOUL loose several critical funding streams and as such, it is no longer viable for the organisation to continue to operate. As a result, the SOUL Board of Trustees has made the difficult decision to close the organisation.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the individuals who have so generously supported SOUL and hope that you also share a sense of pride in what we collectively achieved.

While it is with great sadness that this has occurred, we are also incredibly proud of what SOUL has achieved over the past 6 years and the positive impact it had on hundreds of lives. We know that the legacy of SOUL will continue to live on through the amazing young women who took part in the programmes.

Once again, thank you for being part of SOUL’s journey.

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