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Urgent need to start SOUL

$19,075 of $19,000 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 9 weeks

This project has reached its target. You may still donate to this project if you wish.

OMG! We haven't even launched SOUL yet and kind people like you are wanting to make donations to help get SOUL started, ASAP. Amazing!


Listen to the heartbeat of the world. Can you hear that every second beat is silent?

Boy yes, girl shhh, Boy yes, girl shhh. Right now the world is skipping every second heartbeat. There are over one and a half BILLION girls and young women who currently don’t get the chance to live their full potential.

SOUL is a charitable trust based in New Zealand that uses humour in thought-provoking images, videos and events to change conscious and unconscious prejudices that influence behaviour, especially towards girls. Social media will be a key medium to communicate this message, involve people and contribute to change worldwide.

Where do you start? Let's start in New Zealand. Surely with such a tiny population we can get this right - then we can show it IS possible.

This is BIG. While sitting comfortably in our homes, it’s hard to imagine the millions of girls who are waiting, waiting for the world to speak up for them.

SOUL needs funds to get a group of 50 exceptional girls ready to take an active part in leading campaigns and projects. Videos and social media will tell their powerful stories. They will touch the hearts and minds of thousands of people, some who would prefer not to think about it.

Do you want to belong to a group of amazing people who are committed to making every heartbeat of the world heard? We need just $19,000 initially so we can burst into action. There are some basic things we need to get sorted; places for the girls to meet, transport, ensuring all health and safety guidelines are met, etc.

Your generosity will resound forever. Thank you. Thank you.

Boy kaboom, Girl kaboom. Boy kaboom, Girl kaboom.

Sources of Unconditional Love's involvement (page creator)

SOUL’s founder, Julie Bartlett also founded award-winning charity, StarJam. For this organisation, she created an attitude-changing model which reduced discrimination and prejudice towards children with disabilities and has been well-recognised for this ground-breaking achievement. Using this model and building on its success, Julie and her SOUL team will reduce discrimination and prejudice towards girls and young women nationally and internationally.

About us

SOUL was launched in 2016 with the intent of supporting and inspiring young women to reach their potential through programmes based on unconditional love . Over the past 6 years we have had a privilege of working with hundreds of remarkable and courageous young women and many dedicated educators in schools across the country.

Unfortunately the events of 2020 saw SOUL loose several critical funding streams and as such, it is no longer viable for the organisation to continue to operate. As a result, the SOUL Board of Trustees has made the difficult decision to close the organisation.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the individuals who have so generously supported SOUL and hope that you also share a sense of pride in what we collectively achieved.

While it is with great sadness that this has occurred, we are also incredibly proud of what SOUL has achieved over the past 6 years and the positive impact it had on hundreds of lives. We know that the legacy of SOUL will continue to live on through the amazing young women who took part in the programmes.

Once again, thank you for being part of SOUL’s journey.

Latest update

Very Generous Very Close  17 June 2015

A massive huge thanks to all our pledgers. THANK YOU!!! We've reached half way to our $19,000 target with 12 days to go. THANK YOU!!

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Latest donations

Natalie Brunzel
Natalie Brunzel on 29 Jun 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Jun 2015
Private Donor
Private Donor on 29 Jun 2015
Frodo on 29 Jun 2015
A SOUL mate :-)
A SOUL mate :-) on 28 Jun 2015

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sources of Unconditional Love (Charity)
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This campaign started on 23 Apr 2015 and ended on 30 Jun 2015.