Sticks 'n Stones

Sticks 'n Stones

Help us to empower young people to recognise, challenge & change the norms that accept bullying through high quality ongoing training.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…

The truth is, words do hurt. We have seen firsthand the harm that words can do. We are a new generation, with a new way of communicating, and with that comes new problems. It is so important that young people are actively and meaningfully involved in developing solutions and preventing harm.

We empower our young people through ongoing training programmes and regular opportunities to collaborate, learn and lead. Change takes time and we cannot expect meaningful change to happen after a one-off workshop or guest speaker.

As well as our in person sessions, our young people collaborate online and in after school drop in and holiday workshops too. They work on ideas, projects and events and take ownership for creating change in their schools and communities.

We believe in providing a wide range of leadership opportunities with a belief in non-traditional leadership opportunities so that our young people develop their own strengths, skills and experience and view leadership and their ability to affect change holistically.

Every single person that puts themselves forward to be a part of what we do is amazing. They volunteer their time to be a part of creating change. We also have a number of young people that have been recognised in awesome ways.

We believe that together, we can have a NZ free from bullying where every young person is accepted and respected for who they are.

More about us

Sticks 'n Stones are NZ's multi award-winning, authentically youth led bullying prevention organisation. We empower 8-18 year olds with ongoing strengths-based training and opportunities through schools and online.

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Latest donations

Jason on 20 Jul 2024
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Jason on 20 Jun 2024
Mariska on 22 May 2024
Jason on 20 May 2024

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sticks 'n Stones (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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