SticksnStones - Help From Home 3

$1,365 of $10,000 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help us to connect tweens and teens with judgement and jargon free support and options through our online help tool ICON (


Sticks 'n Stones are NZ's multi award-winning, authentically youth led bullying prevention organisation. We empower 8-18 year olds with ongoing strengths-based training and opportunities through schools and online.

In 2018, we launched ICON ( an online help tool that was developed, designed and tested by teenagers from all across New Zealand

ICON (In Case of Online Negativity) Available through any web browser at it is a clear, easy to use web tool to help teens explore options and troubleshoot online negativity-from nudes, to cyberbullying as well as hate & abuse and practical tips for taking charge of your time online.

Funds raised through this campaign will help us

- Update the content for 2021 & provide greater functionality in the app

- Gather, record and share more audio stories from a wider and more diverse group of rangatahi

- Develop greater links to the services and provide support on how to navigate them

- Improve our SEO results so that ICON shows up in more online searches from tweens and teens looking for advice and support

- Create marketing material to promote ICON

- Get ICON out and known by as many young people across Aotearoa as possible. From posters in cafes to stickers when you buy a new phone! We want to spread the word about ICON in innovative and youth centred ways.

About us

Sticks 'n Stones are NZ's multi award-winning, authentically youth led bullying prevention organisation. We empower 8-18 year olds with ongoing strengths-based training and opportunities through schools and online.

Use of funds

Donations will be used to update ICON to be even better!

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Latest donations

Jann on 16 May 2021
Nick on 11 May 2021
Sticks 'n Stones

MASSIVE thanks Nick, so appreciate your support :)

Sticks 'n Stones
Ryan the Lion!
Ryan the Lion! on 11 May 2021
I'm behind ICON from Sticks n Stones - give young people advice in a way they want it, when they want to get it. #ROARSOME
Sticks 'n Stones

Thank you for being such an INCREDIBLE champion for us

Sticks 'n Stones
Christine on 11 May 2021
Sticks 'n Stones

You are amazing, thank you for supporting SnS ❤️

Sticks 'n Stones
Paula on 11 May 2021
Great idea. Thank you!
Sticks 'n Stones

Thanks so much Paula, massively appreciate your support ❤️

Sticks 'n Stones

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This campaign started on 23 Mar 2021 and ended on 18 May 2021.