Tanzy's Chinchilla's

Tanzy's Chinchilla's

Tanzy's Chinchilla Rescue NZ, is the only rescue in NZ for these wee creatures that puts the chinchilla's needs first.


Educating those that want to know more, ensuring the chinchilla's needs are being met, taking in the 'unwanteds' and giving them the shelter they need for as long as they need it, getting the veterinary care when it's needed.

In the 5 years I have had chinchilla's, I have had one pass away (she was frail and issues with inbreeding), no other losses. I have recently placed two into their new permanent home while most are permanents there are a few waiting for their perfect home.I am not good at bragging about myself, so this will have to do.

Latest update

Update for 20/04/2009  20 April 2009

I can't say too much has been happening as I have not been too well and ended up in hospital, thankfully some friends rallied around and came over each night for the two weeks and tended to the chins.? It was rather unfortunate, to say the least, that the latest arrival (Kahma-Jaye's) who?arrived from?Wellington on 2nd April 09, only saw me for one day until I went to hospital, but now I have been out for 6 days, I am delighted with the progress she is making since I have been home and have been giving her time with me.? Her fur chewing has stopped and her new fur is starting to grow nicely.? The group of five chinchilla's (all females and very bonded) in January 09 have settled in very well and although there is a weight issue with one and trying to get her weight up to 400 grams, which I did do before I ended up in hospital, she has since dropped down to 390grams, so I am desperately hoping there are no more stints in hospital and I can steadily get Taya's weight back up to 400grams and then over that as an ideal weight for her would be 550 grams - so there is some work involved there as more so as it needs to be a healthy weight and not one with her being fed sweet foods. Apart from that, I have finally replied to emails received when I was enjoy my hospital visit and am slowly, very slowly, making the progress needed for the displays that I will be taking to the Christchurch Pet Expo as that is in August and I have been asked to do a site there, so it's rather exciting - but requires a lot of work as I hadn't thought of doing anything like this so needless to say - have nothing, thankfully?I do take photos of the chinchilla's when they arrive and frequent ones thereafter with progress made so it will be good having that and great when I have finally finished it all. To date, I haven't heard of any chinchilla's needing to find their way to me, which is good for me as it gives me time to mend after the operation and concentrate on the ones with minor wee issues here now and hopefully get more floor space sorted so that if other's do need to come (I'd never turn any away), there is a cage space for the wee ones :) I have been on to TradeMe to see if they will bring in classified's for chinchilla's so they are not sold to the highest bidder, but that people interested can email and therefore appropriate homes be vetted, but as it took three years of asking just to bring in a chinchilla category, I doubt it will happen any time soon, but the reason I have asked is that the rescues, once ready for their new home, will go to homes that I am confident in and have vetted, as I simply won't sell them to the highest bidder, it's not how I work, so until something is sorted they are here to stay, unless something happens through word-of-mouth, but then it's hard as most want chinchilla's to breed them and I won't have that either given their history as although some will flourish with being in a one chinnie home, it's their ongoing welfare and happiness that is important and out of the 29 here currently, I can honestly say that 4 or 5 would be ready for their new home with the progress made, others are older and will stay here permanently? and others arrived on the understanding that they will remain in my care and not be adopted out.? But as with any critter, if their homes do not come up - they will remain here and continue to be spoilt rotten :)

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