kelly asks
Hi there, Firstly I want to commend you for the awesome work you’ve done & Secondly I wanted your advice. Back in 2009 I rescued my first chinchilla (Chewy) He was in good shape considering he’d spent his entire life in a pet shop inside a small cage,He had bumble feet & fur pulled constantly but apart from that he was awesome & I fell in love with Chins from then on, By 2013 I had started rescuing Chinchillas full time-Over the years I’ve had a minimum of 100 not counting my own fur babies. Can you give me any advice regarding keeping my non profit going as it’s so important to me,So much so that I’ve gone without many,many times so that the chins have everything they need. I need help to fundraise so any ideas would be very much appreciated. Thanks so much kind regards, Kelly.
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