The Events Network Trust

The Events Network Trust

TENT / The E Network Trust is a non-profit organisation providing bespoke support services to Eastern Bay of Plenty organisations.

Bay of Plenty


We currently support approximately a dozen charities providing one-off assistance with strategic planning, marketing coordination, volunteer recruitment, police vetting, operational development, graphic design and seed funding. We also mentor, consult, provide networking and skills workshops and act as a coordinator for community initiatives such as a local food rescue project, Community Christmas Lunch event and Homelessness Steering Committee.


Most recently, we bought an existing business and launched a social enterprise. 4GOOD Vending provides our organisation with a sustainable source of revenue to support our goals but can also support the organisations we serve. To date we have raised funds for the local RSA on Anzac Day, raised funds for a local primary school that had a devastating fire, held a Meet the Locals networking event and paid for an activity at a large community event as fundraiser.


TENT believes a vibrant, healthy and safe community is created when we build an environment that not only recognises the efforts of those that contribute to the needs of the community but also creates an exciting energy that encourages engagement and working together for the overall wellbeing of the community. We also believe that every community has its own specific needs when it comes to charitable support and by providing bespoke support services we can...HELP THOSE WHO HELP OTHERS in our region.


Support our social enterprise so that more revenue can be used to support our local charitable organisations. With your donation, we can reduce the amount of funds we need for operations which will mean more revenue from 4GOOD Vending will go directly to the organisations we serve and also allows us to increase the number of organisations we can support.

As with many charitable organisations, TENT receives financial support through donations and grants. However, we also generate funds through contracted services to the general public. Any funds received are used to ensure that the services we provide are meeting the specific needs of the organisations in our community that we work with.

More about us

The E Network Trust / TENT is a registered non-profit supporting Eastern Bay of Plenty charitable and community organisations to help strengthen capabilities and build capacity through support services & activities designed to meet their specific needs.

Who's involved?

The E Network Trust / TENT's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The E Network Trust / TENT (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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