Covid19 Lockdown
9 September 2021Kia ora whanau,
We just would like to thank everyone that has been supporting the OKV to keep going. We really appreciate it, you have no idea! We have so many challenges behind closed doors and do a lot of our mahi off the literal smell of an oily rag and that's not an understatement. Without your support we simply wouldn't be able to keep going so we just want to share out hearts and thank you to you all. We are 4 weeks into our DELTA covid response kaupapa and financially it's getting harder for us to sustain things as we are always caring for our two main senior villages here in Otara. To keep up to date on our movements please follow our Otara Kai Village social media page for our DELTA response and our Community Builders NZ Website and FB page for all the work we do here in Otara.