Hutt Hospital Foundation Trust

Hutt Hospital Foundation Trust

The Tree Hutt provides distraction therapy for children entering the hospital emergency department


The Tree Hutt is the name of the children’s area of the Hutt Hospital Emergency Department and is unique in New Zealand.

In The Tree Hutt you will find visual, sensory and auditory distractions to help children as they experience the emergency department. New Zealand’s beautiful native bush and wildlife is the overall theme.

This has all been designed based on the concept of ‘distraction therapy’.

The aim of distraction therapy is to minimise the trauma of hospital experience for the child and their family.

A child-friendly environment with murals, themes and toys is the key to distraction, which increases the child’s ability to cope by stimulating them to concentrate on something else. For many children it takes their minds off the strange smells, sights, sounds, fears and anxiety that they may not have experienced before. Having the use of a focused and therapeutic area helps the child and family to understand the illness, the treatment and the management they receive in the emergency service.

You can see the Tree Hutt here;

More about us

The Hutt Hospital Foundation Trust administers the Tree Hutt. The Tree Hutt is the name of the children’s area of the Hutt Hospital Emergency Department.

In The Tree Hutt you will find visual, sensory and auditory distractions to help children as they experience the emergency department. New Zealand’s beautiful native bush and wildlife is the overall theme.

The Rata tree welcomes everyone to the area and Pip the Kiwi, Lulu the Huhu Bug, Matilda Morepork, Wiki the Weta, Poko the Kakapo and Sam the Tuatara will be on hand to guide each child’s’ journey. In the waiting area, children can push buttons to control a train that runs through the tree tops. Native birds call as the train travels along the track. A plentiful supply of reading and activity books are on hand. This has all been designed based on the concept of ‘distraction therapy’.

The aim of distraction therapy is to minimise the trauma of hospital experience for the child and their family.

A child-friendly environment with murals, themes and toys is the key to distraction, which increases the child’s ability to cope by stimulating them to concentrate on something else. For many children it takes their minds off the strange smells, sights, sounds, fears and anxiety that they may not have experienced before. Having the use of a focused and therapeutic area helps the child and family to understand the illness, the treatment and the management they receive in the emergency service.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to produce a book that will be given to children as they are admitted to the Hospital Emergency Department. The book will be free and based on 'distraction therapy'. It will have several stories that follow the 6 Tree Hutt characters as they experience the emergency department

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