Our critical food rescue & distribution for Whanganui will end by May – unless monthly donors like you join us! Hit DONATE, choose Monthly!→
Whanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui
Facing our potential closure in May due to funding challenges is tough on the entire Whanganui community, especially the 400 tamariki and adults who rely on this rescued food every single day!
BUT you can keep us open when you become one of the Monthly donors we need to keep our doors open! When you click "Donate" and choose a monthly, or weekly plan for $10 or more per month, you effectively:
• Pay for 7 meals a month for a local child or adult in need
• Keep us rescuing food and delivering it to 21 Whanganui charities
• Earn a tax credit every month for your donation
Help us meet our goal of getting just 1% of Whanganui – 470 people by May 1 – to join us, by filling in this quick form to become a monthly donor now by clicking the DONATE button now! →→
BONUS: When you join as a monthly donor, you’ll get
• An invite to our huge thank-you celebration featuring wonderful Whanganui kai
• Frequent updates on our progress
• Fun perks from our partners… stay tuned!
Please choose Monthly Option on the next page to become a regular donor! Ngā mihi!
P.S. More ways to help:
Spread the word: Share with whānau and coworkers... see how many you can get to join you as a donor!
Partnerships: Community is essential to survival of Kai Hub. If you have ideas for fundraising events or partnerships, please be in touch.
Stay updated: Join our email list
Single donations: Being a monthly donor won’t work for everyone – totally get it. So, if you have a single contribution to make, please choose that button.
The Whanganui Kai Hub is a food rescue organisation with two main kaupapa - reducing food waste & improving food security. We divert from food from landfill and redistribute to our community.
Kai Hub HOPE and a Question 21 March 2025
The support in the first 24 hours has been astounding – so many positive comments and shares of our video! Even better, thanks to YOU, we have already reached 10% of the monthly donors we need to stay open!
But we have a long way to go on getting the 470 monthly donors we need to stay afloat. Here's a fun way you can help:
Tomorrow at the River Market, please come by to see Stephen and board member Ben, and tell us why you donated... we'd love a testimonial to help bring other friends in Whanganui aboard!
We would LOVE to hit 15% of our goal by the end of the weekend... so here's the link if you know a few people as cool as you! Ngā mihi!! 💚