Salesforce NZ is participating in the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge in November, cycling 160kms to raise funds for The Cancer Society of New Zealand.
As part of Salesforce's Foundation programme, Salesforce will match funds raised by the team $1 for $1 up to $5,000 USD:
My name is Craig Skinner, Commercial Sales Director at Salesforce NZ. Earlier this year my wife Tracey was diagnosed with MTC (Medullary Thyroid Cancer) - a very rare form of Thyroid Cancer that affects less than 5% of thyroid cancer sufferers.
Within 2 weeks of being diagnosed, Tracey had had her thyroid and 123 lymph nodes removed and has recovered well.
This year has taught me that you can't take anything for granted in life and that you never know what is around the corner.
My colleagues and I are doing this race and taking this opportunity to help raise funds for the NZ Cancer Society, to help all cancer sufferers deal with their journeys - if we can rise $5,000 USD Salesforce will match it $ for $ so please get in behind us!