An older couple from Hamilton, NZ visited Vanuatua resently and found the people very humble and poor. Tongariki Island Vanuatu is a small island with a population of 270 people. The local folk are friendly and welcoming to any visitors.
This small island was in the path of Cyclone Pam in March 2015 which saw houses, buildings and infra-structures destroyed. There are many pictures on this link to view the destruction.
As a small island their resources to rebuild their homes are very limited. There is a natural resource of trees on the island but no way for the local people to harvest the wood to build new homes.
This Givealittle page has been set up to raise some money to buy a Lucas Portable Sawmill and some chainsaws for the people so they can rebuild their homes.
Any donation would be welcome to help with this project, to enable the local people to rebuild their villages.