Handsome Louis, although perhaps not your smartest cat on the block, is the ultimate smooch. Rather than just a one person cat, he seems to prefer multiple owner relationships and frequently sleeps on the beds of most of the neighbours all the way down the street. This, coupled with his handsome looks, means that he is often given food at every house he visits and has been known to have to wear a lamented sign reminding people to help him maintain his (preferably twice a day) diet. Due to his lack of nose he is prone to snorting when super excited, and this is particularly exacerbated during a good game of fetch with a rolled up paper ball. He has a gift at flopping and letting all his limbs completely relax as soon as he is picked up by anyone. Although not at all agile or nimble, and unable to climb trees like other cats, Louis doesn't like to be boxed in by labels. He makes up for his lack of agility through his quirky and extroverted personality, chasing the dog and growing very long hair between his toes.