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Help save the Community Centre Billboards

$700 of $600 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in 7 weeks

This project has reached its target. You may still donate to this project if you wish.

"I thought they already belonged to the Centre" - Angie Smith, barista and gymnastics instructor. Please help...


Four of Kathy Bartlett's billboards have been on loan at the entrance of the Featherston Community Centre. Now Kathy is moving away and we will lose them unless we come up with a very modest koha of $600 for these four plus and additional two remaining portraits in this series.

The series is Kathy Bartlett's tongue-in-cheek take on Maoist propaganda. The portraits are local people with inspirational slogans, printed on outdoor-proof aluminium.

'Forward' - portrait of David Robinson, architect

'Do Your Part' - portrait of Sue Wright, cafe owner

'Serve People' - portrait of Janie Nott, artist

'Onwards' - self-portrait of the artist

'Seek Truth' - Isis Turner-Bartlett, daughter

'Keep Going' - Ross Hoare, fire fighter

I think they are great. I love them and think they are clever and thought-provoking - Penny Griffin, librarian and ballet teacher

Featherston Community Centre's involvement (page creator)

The Featherston Community Centre is owned by a trust for the benefit of you the people of Featherston and the South Wairarapa! -



Do Your Part!

About us

The Featherston Community Centre is owned by a trust on behalf of the people of Featherston and the South Wairarapa. Established in 1992, the Centre hosts activities and services from a wide range of providers that promote social cohesion and individual benefit.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to purchase the six billboards so they can be owned and displayed at the Centre.

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Latest donations

Niki and Duke
Niki and Duke on 02 Aug 2017
Featherston Community Centre

Thank you so much!

Featherston Community Centre
Guest Backer
Guest Backer on 29 Jun 2017
Featherston Community Centre

Thank you so much!

Featherston Community Centre
Kara and Amy
Kara and Amy on 27 Jun 2017
Featherston Community Centre

Yay! Thank you

Featherston Community Centre
Amber McEwan
Amber McEwan on 27 Jun 2017
Featherston Community Centre

Thank you so much!

Featherston Community Centre
sonya on 26 Jun 2017
Featherston Community Centre

Thanks Sonya!

Featherston Community Centre

Who's involved?

Featherston Community Centre's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Featherston Community Centre (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 18 Jun 2017 and ended on 10 Aug 2017.