Nothing about us without us, strengthening international human rights

$1,890 of $18,000 goal
Pledged by 8 generous supporters in around 6 months

People First NZ join people from around the world. Help People First NZ’s leading self-advocates be part of an international conversation


People First NZ have the chance to join people from around the world!

This is IASSIDD’s 15th World Congress and this time it is in the southern hemisphere in Melbourne. This is a rare opportunity that People First NZ wants to make the most of. The slogan of the international self-advocacy movement is “Nothing about us, without us”. It is important for us to be there.

At this World Congress there will be people with learning disability and others from around the world. Members of the People First National Committee are keen to find out what other self-advocacy organisations are doing from around the world and how our National Committee can connect with people with learning disability who have similar roles in other countries.

The National Committee are also looking forward to meeting other people who are doing research or running services.

People First NZ is seeking sponsorship or a contribution to get all 6 National Committee members along.

People First New Zealand's involvement (page creator)

People First New Zealand is one of 7 Disabled Person's Organisations in New Zealand and the only one led and directed by people with learning (intellectual) disability.

One of People First NZ's roles is to work with People First members to assist the development of leadership skills. As well as people benefiting from gaining these skills to use personally, it also prepares members to take up leadership roles within the organisation.

To be a leader of a national organisation, it is very important to continue to develop your skills and networks. Attending the congress will be a great opportunity for the National Committee members to learn and grow as leaders which in turn continues to strengthen the organisation and improve human rights in New Zealand.

About us

People First New Zealand is a self advocacy organisation that is led and directed by people with learning (intellectual) disability. People First is part of an international movement fighting for the rights and inclusion of all people with learning disability.

People First New Zealand Inc. Nga Tangata Tuatahi is here to empower and support people with learning disability to be strong and valued individuals in New Zealand.

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Latest pledges

Ace House & Wellington After-Care Association
Ace House & Wellington After-Care Association on 22 Dec 2015
sean versteegh
sean versteegh on 20 Dec 2015
People First New Zealand

KIa ora Sean, Firstly thank you for your donation of $20 towards People First sending representatives to the IASSID conference. The second thing I have to do is eat humble pie and admit I made a mistake in setting up the Give a Little page. It means that if we don’t reach the $18,000 target then the funds people contributed are not taken from the donor/ returned. I think we are quite unlikely to reach $18,000! The page expires on the 4th of May. Could I please ask you to then either make the donation via: 1. A cheque sent to national office 2. A donation through the People First website- click below on the green button. Sorry for the mix up. Kind regards

People First New Zealand
Denise H
Denise H on 19 Dec 2015
I hope you all get the opportunity to go!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Dec 2015
Community Connections
Community Connections on 18 Dec 2015

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, People First New Zealand (Charity)
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This campaign started on 5 Nov 2015 and ended on 4 May 2016.