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Pop Gun and Grey Goose

  • Sincere thanks to all the donors

      14 March 2024

    We are beyond grateful for the support we received from all our friends and family doing this ride and raising these funds for the Hawkes Bay region. We raised a massive total for the project ( nearly 4% of it) and it's down to massive help from extraordinary people. We have had our faith restored in the goodness of kiwis. From both Lance and I, thank you so very much, we salute you all.

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  • We knocked the bastard off and then some..

      4 March 2024
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    Fabulous people got us here - around 100 superbly kind and generous donors who allowed us the get to the 5000 total - thank you all so much from myself and Lance and Johnny, but also from the Jolly Good Chaps org, and the top folk of Hawkes Bay. Not only did we finish, we finished well. Lance stopped about 25 k's shy of Dannevirke on the long straights, where the Honda hurtled up to 76kph on the GPS, sadly it cooked the 69cc oversize on the Suzi. Unknown to me, as I hurtled on GG to the stop in town, where I learnt that Lance had stopped, assessed the sitch, called Johnny and our support vehicle, and proceeded to do a heart transplant on the side of the road, lifting out the engine, removing the seized block and piston, and replacing the barrel, head and piston with the original 50cc, that he had decided at the last minute to pack in the truck. Having rebuilt it, he rejoined the 222 riders and support folk at Mangatainoka, in time for lunch, a beverage, and a wee, and off we both went. A little more sedately. We stayed together and by the Remutaka's we were both flying along, belted up to the top, and at one stage, Grey Goose the wee Honda, was passing cars and hooning her way up. At the top Lance decided we had enough time to go to Lower Hutt and pick up his new purchase, an LX150 Vespa, stick it on the trailer, and we'd then ride the last part of the journey alongside he Harbour to the wharf stop area beside Circa. We were the last to arrive. 325k's and home. THANKYOU! XXX

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    • 04/03/2024 by The Great Erg Challenge

      Great effort! Personally I'd rather ride 325 kms on that portaloo in the background than one of your wee scooters.

  • Last day

      29 February 2024

    We are packed, prepped, pumped and ready to ride. Water intake is the last consideration, and lance has fitted a bottle holder to the Honda, plus a double USB charger so I can listen to podcasts and music at 30 kph in the long dull bits to take my mind off my broken ass. Wish us luck folks, and we know the Hawkes Bay people appreciate all the Aucklanders and family supporters who have fed in. Thank you so much.

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  • Last few days, real now.

      26 February 2024

    Hi supporters, thanks for all your great help on the fundraiser for Hawkes Bay.

    We appreciate it greatly. We are preparing to go now, phones and chargers and fuel and sleeping bags and wet weather and storage and water and a thousand little things. The weather looks like it might break for us sop that will be a huge relief if it isnt raining, fingers and toes crossed.

    If you want to share the give a little page for the last push amongst work colleagues of friends who might help wed be mighty chuffed.

    Copy that and stick it in your browser.

    Thank you once again to our incredible supporters nearly a hundred of you. We would'nt be doing this without you. Cheers, P&L

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  • Yahoo! We are ready. Well the bikes are.

      20 February 2024

    We have powered, polished, primped and propped up the bikes and they are as good as they can be for the long haul ahead. Now thats not quite true of the oldest member of the party, me, as I had an occasion to remember that 1975 motoscoot tyres are little bigger than a pushbike, and, when meeting with an unexpected kerb in the centre of a roundabout the inevitable happens. The old guy hits the deck, the ribs took a beating and the Scoot is barely marked, but the recovery is slow. so I'll be riding with painkillers aboard! Lance has done wonders , we have a new exhaust system that got beat into submission to fit, a couple of tweaks with sprockets and chains, some clever reworking of brakes and gear levers and we are ready. The SJ50 has a new speedo, alongside the exhaust gas emission temperature control module mounted to the handlebars - Why? - Lance likes a bit of tech and he can so he did. We are into the last phase that of attempting to hit our target of 5k. If you know of someone who might help the great folks of Hawkes bay please send them this and and the link to the page. Cheers !! Wish us luck!!

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      19 February 2024
    Posted by: Jolly Good Chaps
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    We have almost met the first goal, 200 riders. As at Monday 19th Feb we have 196 riders registered. LETS GET TO 200!!!!

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  • up and down..

      13 February 2024

    Last weekend we met the Auckland contingent heading down to Hawkes Bay for the fundraising run. Nine of us gathered and popped, gurgled, hummed and burbled our way out to the Riverhead pub by way of main roads but few motorways. The enormity of the task ahead of us loomed to many. We did about 75 ks in all on the day, around 20% of the 300 plus km journey of march 2nd. I was thrilled to see my ancient scoot keep up with and, on some hills, crawl past other bikes. It will be, by my estimation, around ten hours in the saddle. Measures must be taken for minimising vibration and fatigue. I suspect a gel seat patch will be required, and grip puppies to reduce wear and tear on arm and wrist nerves over that period.

    I also managed to embarrass myself totally on the return journey, not taking into account the size and width of the tyres on the honda 50. Being barely larger than bicycle tyre, I encountered a concrete lip in a circumference of the roundabout at the end of the NW motorway. My tyres hit that and went, no can do, and I went down on my right side. The bike is almost unmarked, not so the extensive bruising on the ancient bod, and several broken ribs later I am a little uncomfortable. Still a few weeks to go, drugs and arnica, and I'll be right as rain. (fingers crossed). Pop Gun and Grey Goose are still in the running!

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  • Flying spaghetti monster

      7 February 2024

    As lance and I have rebuilt the wee Honda, and he's pushed me through the comfort zone and rebuilt a little confidence, we have also encountered demons.

    Nothing was quite what it seemed and the budget has doubled but it's going and well. But where the demons leapt from was the electrical system, a 50 year old tangle of rewires, old ends, spare switches, taped off stuff and a loom of dusty cracking 6 volt copper. It's just lines and links, he says, you'll figure it .. well hell I have no idea. I wouldn't know a resistor from a capacitor or a valve radio tube. But the arcane is Lances specialty, so Ive retreated to the distance of home and send tentative texts to see if everything's okay... We may be talking again by the start line. LOL. But I found a bit of attire today, and we'll look - if not a pair - then on the same side. Donations have slowed a litle as we've concentrated on getting the Honda half of the duo working, but I'll be back into it next week. Thanks to our amazing supporters, I will wade through the lists and try not to send info to those who nave already helped enormously.

    Thanks all.

    (the electrics wouldn't matter so much But I think we'll be fi fishing in the dark)

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  • stripped back and naked

      27 January 2024
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    My poor wee granny has suffered indignities I'm afraid. She had a thorough undressing today and now we slowly put her back together hopefully better than ever. I have to say electrics that have been cut chopped changed, rewired, taped, split, added to, and had all sort of reroutes and temporary fixes have produced a spaghetti minefield. It's very hard to be optimistic right now, especially with Lance away on a well earned break. He may have some need of rest - when he sees the state of granny when he returns! Onwards.

    We are still raising funds and if you know of others who would like to contribute please share.

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  • Granny raises her skirts a little with a glimpse of ankle..

      24 January 2024

    Well, the Honda is back on the scooter run, Lance and I are about to rummage about in her drawers to see if we can get the blood running a bit hotter, fingers crossed. We continue to be blown away by the level of support we are receiving, and it is truly humbling to see how much people care when we have a way to give to those who most need it amongst our communities. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. feel free to share anything you like, too.

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  • Our friends and supporters are AMAZING! THANK YOU!!

      23 January 2024

    We are so blown away by the level of support we are getting for the cause. We've decided to raise the total a little. This is so cool. To see people get behind the cause of helping others so wholeheartedly is really restoring my faith in human nature. Humbled and grateful.

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  • The cub has dementia.

      23 January 2024

    Hi folks, thanks for your amazing support so far, please share far and wide so we can do the best for the Hawkes Bay folk.

    A little update. After Lance pulled the clutch and gearbox and centrifugals and cleaned, repacked it all and made it work, the dear old girl, decided that I was offering her indecencies, by throwing my hefty bones on her and asking her to climb hills. She lost the will at a slight incline up Marua Road, and needed scooting encouragement. At Mt Eden she stopped for a few minutes and just said no. By this stage it was clear that granny had not liked men fiddling with her delicates and it took some time to encourage her to re start at all. Finding the gentlest inclines took me off the beaten track, but a mountain loomed nearing Westmere. With Meola Road closed there was nothing for it bit to tackle Chinamans Hill or the Bullock Track or the zoo. I opted for the zoo road to old mill. Granny wheezed to a standstill climbing over a speed hump, and it became the long push for me. Given that there are 350 kilometres of mountain windings to negotiate, I realised that without a complete rebuild granny would require pushing all the way to Wellies. This will not do. I believe the sponsors of the Jolly Good Chaps Run will help us out with a scoot. Granny will live another day but on this occasion she will be watching sideline. Onwards.

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