Bellyful Christchurch

$1,956 donated
Given by 12 generous donors in 5 years

Bellyful Christchurch provides meals for families with newborn babies and families with young children who are struggling with illness.


Bellyful Christchurch is a branch of a nationwide not-for-profit charity. We provide practical support, encouragement and friendship to families with new babies, during what can be a very lonely and difficult time. We are encouraging communities to get together and support each other - and for families to not be afraid to ask for help!

Bellyful Christchurch has been operating since April 2012 and in that time has delivered well over 4500 meals to hundreds of local families - all achieved by volunteer effort put into fundraising, cooking & delivering of meals.

About us

Bellyful cooks and delivers meals to families with babies and young children who need extra support.

Bellyful has been supporting families in New Zealand for 10 years. We provide meals in 24 communities throughout NZ, thanks to the help of over 680 volunteers. In the last year we have delivered 26,000 meals to 4,600 families. We receive referrals from health professionals such as social workers, Plunket nurses and midwives, as well as family and friends. You can even refer yourself - it takes a lot of courage to ask for help.

Latest donations

Ravensdown on 21 Sep 2017

Thank you for this generous donation it will be used to support families with children in a time of need, in the community many thanks Anne

Private Donor
Private Donor on 15 Jun 2017
Keep up the amazing work everyone!

Thank you

Alice & Nathan Brown
Alice & Nathan Brown on 06 Mar 2017
Love the work you do for families going through tough times and new families to help them out when they need it most! Thanks so much :)

Thank you, this is amazing and will go along way towards providing many more yummy meals.

Gaile Scott
Gaile Scott on 09 Feb 2017
Proceeds from sweet sales. Please forward to the Christchurch branch.

Thank you.

Bill Luff
Bill Luff on 25 Jan 2017
This morning in foul Wellington weather Bellyful delivered 3 lovely meals and a tray of cupcakes to our daughter who is 8 weeks a Mother and in serious sleep deprivation which makes learning motherhood and completing the simplest household tasks so difficult. Your kindness has been a real flillip to her and as her parents we are very grateful to you given we do not live in Wellington. With our thanks Bill Luff and Monica Hunter

Thank you for your lovely message. It was pleasure to be able to help Sarah with some meals this morning. My lovely volunteer Caroline delivered to a number of Mums this morning and we definitely understand how hard it is with a newborn and no family support nearby. We are happy to help. Thanks for your very kind donation. Jacqui Jago Branch Coordinator-Bellyful Karori Area Manager-Lower North Island P 0508 BELLYFUL M 027 231 6339 E W F bellyful karori


Who's involved?

Bellyful's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Bellyful (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Jul 2015 and ended on 1 Sep 2020.