Bellyful Selwyn provides meals for families with newborn babies and families with young children who are struggling with illness.
Bellyful Selwyn is a branch of a nationwide not-for-profit charity. We provide practical support, encouragement and friendship to mums with new babies, during what can be a very lonely and difficult time. We are encouraging communities to get together and support each other - and for mums to not be afraid to ask for help!
Bellyful Selwyn is our newest branch and has been operating since July 2015. We are looking forward to delivering delicious meals to local families - all of which will be achieved by volunteer effort put into fundraising, cooking & delivering of meals.
Bellyful cooks and delivers meals to families with babies and young children who need extra support.
Bellyful has been supporting families in New Zealand for 10 years. We provide meals in 24 communities throughout NZ, thanks to the help of over 680 volunteers. In the last year we have delivered 26,000 meals to 4,600 families. We receive referrals from health professionals such as social workers, Plunket nurses and midwives, as well as family and friends. You can even refer yourself - it takes a lot of courage to ask for help.
Thank you so much for your generosity, the Selwyn branch will be delighted.
Many thanks for your generous donation from us all here at Bellyful Selwyn
Thank you