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$1,960 of $21,000 goal
Given by 46 generous donors in around 3 months

We need more funds urgently so that we can continue our de-sexing work before the next kitten season!


As most of you know CCC volunteers work non-stop through the year desexing stray and abandoned cats to stop them breeding, and help prevent kittens being left to starve on the street.

These are not 'feral' cats, they originate from domestic cats who have been abandoned or dumped by their owners and have produced more kittens which have been born wild.

The Community Cat Coalition supports these volunteers by subsidising the cost of the desexing.

The volunteers’ costs are already huge as we have to pay for flea/worm treatments, any additional vet treatment and medication needed, and petrol.

If we didn’t have the support of the Cat Coalition to help with the surgery costs this would be unmanageable for most of us.

In the last 9 months we have desexed around 1250 cats, preventing thousands of unwanted kittens being born to a life of misery on the streets. We have also rescued hundreds of kittens from the street and rehomed them to loving families

Sadly, our funding has now run out and we have to stop trapping. This is heart-breaking for us. We spend hundreds of hours trying to get on top of the problem and if we can’t keep going, the females who have not yet been caught, will once again produce more kittens taking us back to the numbers of cats we started with.

We are continually trying to fundraise but have no funding secured at the moment.

If you would like to support our work we would be very grateful if you could make a small donation.

About us

The Community Cat Coalition Inc. supports carers of Auckland's community (stray or semi-owned) cats. Our big focus is community cat de-sexing, because there are too many kittens being born and it's impossible to find enough good homes!

Use of funds

All money raised will be spent on de-sexing. We have the capacity to de-sex many more community cats over the next few critical months and are limited only by funds. Our members are very experienced and skilled in this work.

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Latest update

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Fundraiser extension  23 July 2020

Hi everyone, thank you all so much again for your kind donations to this page over the past couple of months, which have made a real difference! Unfortunately, the desexing grant which we usually receive from the SPCA at this time of year has this year been drastically reduced due to COVID. So we are very much hoping that you will share this fundraiser with your friends and contacts - we would love to get a lot more desexing done before the spring kitten season begins in earnest.

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Latest donations

Charlene on 25 Aug 2020
Wonderful cause :)
Community Cat Coalition Incorporated

Thank you very much Charlene! Your donation really helps!

Community Cat Coalition Incorporated
Melanie on 23 Jul 2020
Love your work guys! You do an amazing job!
Community Cat Coalition Incorporated

Melanie, thank you very much for this generous donation!

Community Cat Coalition Incorporated
Fairene on 09 Jul 2020
Hope this helps
Community Cat Coalition Incorporated

Thank you so much Fairene!

Community Cat Coalition Incorporated
rebecca on 08 Jul 2020
Community Cat Coalition Incorporated

Thank you, very much appreciated.

Community Cat Coalition Incorporated
Sue on 07 Jul 2020
Great work you are doing for our kittens (and birdlife). 💝💖💝💕
Community Cat Coalition Incorporated

Thank you Sue, this is very kind of you.

Community Cat Coalition Incorporated

Who's involved?

Community Cat Coalition Incorporated's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Community Cat Coalition Incorporated (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 26 May 2020 and ended on 26 Aug 2020.