GAP Facebook Advert costs

$163 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 8 months

Funds for GAP Greyhound Facebook Advertisements costs.


GAP advertises greyhounds that are up for adoption on Facebook. These advertisements cost. $10 will allow an advert for one hound to run for 24 hours. Facebook is a greyt way to get the word out that our hounds are up for adoption.

Greyhounds As Pets' involvement (page creator)

I'm the Grant Coordinator for Greyhounds As Pets.

About us

GAP is a national charity that finds forever homes for Greyhounds leaving the racing industry.

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Latest donations

From Ashton
From Ashton on 08 Aug 2016
To bring the joy of greyhound adoption to others
Greyhounds As Pets

Thanks heaps!!

Greyhounds As Pets
Bella on 19 Jul 2016
Greyhounds As Pets

Hi Bella. Thank you so much for the help.

Greyhounds As Pets
Kate Pollock
Kate Pollock on 18 Jul 2016
Greyhounds As Pets

Thank you so much Kate.

Greyhounds As Pets
Jan Sedgwick
Jan Sedgwick on 28 May 2016
Keep up the good work
Greyhounds As Pets

Thank you Jan. That is awesome!!

Greyhounds As Pets
Jake and family
Jake and family on 27 May 2016
Greyhounds As Pets

Thanks so much.

Greyhounds As Pets

Who's involved?

Greyhounds As Pets's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Greyhounds As Pets (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 May 2016 and ended on 31 Dec 2016.