Get our climate heroes to hui!

$3,862 donated
Given by 68 generous donors in 7 weeks

At our hui, volunteer campaigners will learn and share skills, experiences, and a vision for how we accelerate our Fossil Free movement!


The vital work 350 Aotearoa does in the climate movement is sustained by the creativity, passion, and time our volunteers put into their local campaigns.

A key moment for us and our volunteers is our annual hui. Volunteer campaigners will learn and share skills, experiences, and a vision for how we accelerate our Fossil Free movement!

We are dedicated to keeping the hui free so that it is accessible to all of our campaigners from around Aotearoa. However, we do need support to make that happen.

$20 covers a volunteer’s toolkit for campaigning

$30 covers a volunteer’s meals for 4 nights

$45 covers a volunteer’s accommodation for 4 nights

$100 covers a volunteer’s travel costs

$500 makes you a vital sponsor of our hui

Supporting our volunteers has awesome outcomes for the climate movement:

Volunteers will come away with the skills and confidence to be leaders and take on campaigning roles.

Volunteers will strengthen connections and build solidarity with other climate campaigners.

Volunteers will be equipped and focused to launch into creating effective Fossil Free campaigns in their communities.

Volunteers will have the knowledge on how to sustain a healthy and flourishing movement

About us

350 Aotearoa is the New Zealand arm of the international climate movement, which aims to unite the world around climate change solutions. Our mission is to campaign for a fossil-free future, and inspire climate action in communities across New Zealand.

Use of funds

$20 covers a volunteer’s toolkit for campaigning

$30 covers a volunteer’s meals for 4 nights

$45 covers a volunteer’s accommodation for 4 nights

$100 covers a volunteer’s travel costs

$500 makes you a vital sponsor of our hui

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Latest donations

Gordon Ikin
Gordon Ikin on 31 Jan 2019
Marcus on 29 Jan 2019
It's a good opportunity to get together from around the country, and together-time is incredibly important for us to stay bonded and focused as a team.
N Reece
N Reece on 28 Jan 2019
Patrick on 23 Jan 2019
Go 350! Fixing the climate crisis is a top priority. Keep up the good work.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jan 2019
Good luck for 2019

Who's involved?

350 Aotearoa's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, 350 Aotearoa (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 10 Dec 2018 and ended on 31 Jan 2019.