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$83,471 of $180,000 goal
Given by 1029 generous donors in around 12 months

"LIFE SAVING SURGERY" only available in Germany.

Napier, Hawke's Bay

Trinity is just 19yrs old and needs URGENT lifesaving surgery. She has a connective tissue disorder that affects the collagen that runs through her body creating havoc + She has been confirmed with AVCs, Abdominal Vascular Compressions, which affects the blood flow to her organs & prevents her being able to hold food down & absorb nutrition. These Compressions are threatening her life if left untreated. Surgery is not available in N.Z.

$180,000 raised means Trinity can receive the lifesaving surgery at the Clinic Bel Etage in Düsseldorf with leading Vascular Surgeon Prof Sandmann & his Specialised team of Clinicians who have confirmed the urgency for treatment.

Trins life is one of constant pain, fatigue, nausea, blackouts, weakness, weight loss & malnutrition, all due to the inability to eat or drink without vomiting, pain & distress.

Trin is an avid equestrian, loves deeply & is loved by all that meet her. She is kind, passionate & lives for her horses. She dreams of life free of pain, the ability to eat, a life where she can dress without having to try & hide tubes hanging from her body, a life of quality.

The family have fought long & hard for 18 years within N.Z’s health system, however feel very let down as there is no longer support here, the only option is to get Trin overseas for the complex surgery required.The family is very grateful for the public’s help to raise the $180k to save Trinity's life.


Lynn Hankey's involvement (page creator)


Use of funds

Initially, Costs to have diagnostic tests and medical care done Privately ( N.Z, DHB's will NOT do these) plus International travel costs to Germany, for Lifesaving Vascular Compression surgery and post Op care. If, for any reason, we don't get to Germany, then we will post a page update with further information as well as details for people to contact us should they wish for a refund or transfer. Givealittle will not be involved in any refund process.

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We Must FIGHT...............  16 July 2024

Well what can I say apart from: ANGRY,, DISILLUSIONED, & FEARFUL?

These are currently the words that come to mind when thinking about the "Care & Help" that Trinity and others like her are being subjected to on a daily basis in regard to the Hospitals that are supposedly there to provide care and sustenance for these girls.

I shall not try and condense what it is that is now happening for Our Angel, but instead encourage you all to head over to Trinity's Health page for the latest information in our battle.


Once again we thank you all for your past support and beg of you, PLEASE SHARE this with ANYONE and Everyone.

Much love and Aroha to you all. 💔💔💔

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Sarrah 7 days ago
Lynn Hankey

Sarrah, Thank you so very much for your very kind donation & support. 💐 We cannot express strongly enough just how grateful we are...THANK YOU💗🧡 To follow along on Trinity's journey, please go to her Facebook Health page; "A Compressed Angel" . We would also be most grateful if you shared her page with your friends and contacts

Lynn Hankey
Phantom on 19 Jul 2024
Lynn Hankey

Phantom, Thank you so very much for your very kind donation & support. 💐 We cannot express strongly enough just how grateful we are...THANK YOU💗🧡 To follow along on Trinity's journey, please go to her Facebook Health page; "A Compressed Angel" . We would also be most grateful if you shared her page with your friends and contacts

Lynn Hankey
Christie on 17 Jul 2024
Thinking of you always ❤️
Lynn Hankey

Christie, Thank you so very much for your very kind donation & words of support. 💐 We cannot express strongly enough just how grateful we are...THANK YOU💗🧡 To follow along on Trinity's journey, please go to her Facebook Health page; "A Compressed Angel" . We would also be most grateful if you shared her page with your friends and contacts

Lynn Hankey
Donna on 17 Jul 2024
Purchased paintings from Kate NZ with payment being made directly to help Trinity ❤️
Lynn Hankey

Donna, Thank you so very much for your support via Painting purchases from Kate, and thank you Kate for all your beautiful work and kind heart. We cannot express strongly enough just how grateful we are...THANK YOU💗🧡 To follow along on Trinity's journey, please go to her Facebook Health page; "A Compressed Angel" . We would also be most grateful if you shared her page with your friends and contacts

Lynn Hankey
Cuong Duc
Cuong Duc on 17 Jul 2024
Lynn Hankey

Cuong Duc Nguyen, Thank you so very much for your very generous donation & support. 💐 We cannot express strongly enough just how grateful we are...THANK YOU💗🧡 To follow along on Trinity's journey, please go to her Facebook Health page; "A Compressed Angel" . We would also be most grateful if you shared her page with your friends and contacts

Lynn Hankey

Who's involved?

Lynn Hankey's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lynn Hankey on behalf of Trinity Hutchins
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This campaign started on 29 Jul 2023 and ends on 15 Sep 2024.