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Help Age Concern New Zealand support older people during Covid-19

$2,731 donated
Given by 57 generous donors in around 3 months

The demand for our services has already increased. We want to make sure that all older Kiwis feel safe and connected to their communities.


Age Concern New Zealand want to make sure all older people are supported through the Covid-19 pandemic. During this time of uncertainty and physical distancing, it is normal for older people to feel distressed and experience symptoms of stress.

Age Concerns are here to help. Please make a donation to support our work at this time.

The demand for our services has already increased. We want to make sure that all older Kiwis feel safe and connected to their communities. Your donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work to ensure no older Kiwis feel alone.

Your donation will help us continue to provide the national coordination of:

Volunteers - We are so thankful for all the incredible people that have stepped up to try and help in their community, we currently have over 4500 volunteers nationwide and this will only increase with the coronavirus outbreak. Your donation will help fund our coordination of these volunteer services.

Local Age Concerns Support - Your donation will help us to support our local Age Concerns across 40 locations with emergency/extra funding as they respond to their local communities needs.

Going Digital - Your donation will help us to transfer our services for online delivery as well as providing digital literacy development and education to our older community.

Chatline – we would love to see a chatline for older people needing a kind ear in times of distress, everyone needs to talk with someone every day!

Elder Abuse Support - unfortunately, our national elder abuse support adviser will need to provide more support in this time to help people suffering from elder abuse.

THANK YOU - we are so grateful for the generosity of New Zealanders in this time of need. Your support will make a difference! Kia Kaha.

About us

We make a difference to the lives of older New Zealanders through respect and empowerment.

We help combat severe loneliness through our Accredited Visiting Service and we stop older people being abused and neglected through our Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Service. We also keep our older Kiwis happy and healthy with our Health Promotion programmes.

We work hard to make sure that every older person feels valued, respected, socially connected and safe.

Use of funds

Your donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work to ensure no older Kiwis feel alone during this time of uncertainty.

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Latest donations

Jane on 02 Jun 2020
Trilby on 05 May 2020
Mahala on 23 Apr 2020
Thank-you for your important mahi!
Roslyn on 16 Apr 2020
Ross on 15 Apr 2020

Who's involved?

Age Concern New Zealand's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Age Concern New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 24 Mar 2020 and ended on 24 Jun 2020.