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Let's End Loneliness!

$640 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in over a year

Let's End Loneliness! YES, it’s a big goal but together we can make that happen


No one likes to feel lonely but it can happen to anyone.

At different stages of our lives and for different reasons we can all feel lonely - a student living away from home, a young mum home with bub, someone whose partner has died, after a relationship breakup, or moving to a new country or community. There are many reasons. But there are also many solutions.

The New Zealand Coalition to End Loneliness is a group of partner organisations who want to increase understanding and fight stigma about loneliness in New Zealand. These partner organisations include; Age Concern New Zealand, Alzheimers New Zealand, Carers New Zealand, RNZRSA, Salvation Army, St John New Zealand and Student Volunteer Army.

The Let's End Loneliness website is a hub providing resources and advice to help individuals, communities and workplaces breakdown barriers to connecting and supporting people who are lonely.

Your donation can help support this vital mahi and help tackle loneliness within Aotearoa. It will be used to support the running of the coalition, maintaining the website and to produce resources.

In the future, we also want to run a nationwide social awareness and promotional campaign to breakdown the stigma around being lonely. Your donations will help us action that - Let's End Loneliness together!

About us

We make a difference to the lives of older New Zealanders through respect and empowerment.

We help combat severe loneliness through our Accredited Visiting Service and we stop older people being abused and neglected through our Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Service. We also keep our older Kiwis happy and healthy with our Health Promotion programmes.

We work hard to make sure that every older person feels valued, respected, socially connected and safe.

Use of funds

Your donation can help support this vital mahi and help tackle loneliness within Aotearoa. It will be used to support the running of the coalition, maintaining the website and to produce resources.

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Latest update

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Order stickers, brochures and bookmarks!  21 January 2021

We have some resources you can order free of charge to help promote our "Let's End Loneliness" website. Email us with your postal address and your order at

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Oct 2021
Thank you for this important work
Ange C
Ange C on 20 Nov 2020
Ange C
Ange C on 20 Oct 2020
Sarah on 03 Aug 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jun 2020

Who's involved?

Age Concern New Zealand's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Age Concern New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 May 2020 and ended on 22 Dec 2021.