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Help & Support Christchurch Mass Shooting Victims

$20,769 donated
Given by 163 generous donors in 5 weeks

Fundraising for our Muslim brothers and sisters who were affected by this unspeakable act in Christchurch.


Jannah Road Charity is deeply saddened by this tragic event that has happened in Christchurch.

Please help the families living in Christchurch that are affected by this horrific shooting. They need more support that we can give with your help.

Our charity has been workings as a team for almost 5 years to reach out our Muslim and wider community mainly in Auckland supporting the needy directly within the resources available.

We will have the same approach with regards to delivering the funds collected here directly to the victims and their families.

New Zealand has been our peaceful HOME and will remain so FOREVER!

Thank you to those loving Kiwis and People from overseas who have already contacted us with their condolences. On behalf of those who will receive this help a huge thank you to those who have already given something.

All donations received to this page will be given directly to the families of the victims who are our sisters and brothers affected by the Christchurch shootings.

PS: Please read our updates, thanks.

#fundraising #support #help #victims #Muslims #massshooting #Christchurch #terroristattack #community #mosqueattacks #Deans Ave Mosque #Masjid Al Noor #Linwood Ave Mosque #tragic #unity #attack #kiwi #New Zealand #masjid attack #muslim #children #families #charity #give #peace #peaceful #Aotearoa #taupua #āwhina #whānau #houhanga a rongo #kotahitanga #AROHA #KIA KAHA #raise #fund #collecting #fundraiser #campaign #donation #monetary #money #aid #solidarity #Christchurchshootings #charity #help #support #victims #donation

About us

Jannah Road has been incorporated as a non-profit organisation in May 2015, our registration number is: CC51652.

Our main charitable objective is to be beneficial to the Muslim and wider communities.

Use of funds

All donations received to this page will be given to the families of the victims who are our sisters and brothers affected by the Christchurch shootings.

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Latest update

July 2019 Update  31 March 2020

15.03.2019 – Our darkest day in NZ

July 2019 Update – Alhumdolilah (Praise God) We have managed to collect and send almost $ 30,000 to the victims of the Chch massacre. This would not be possible without all the generous hearts out there and of course God’s help.

We continue to pray for those who lost their lives and their families, may Allah make it easy for them. Ameen.

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Latest donations

Zakat on 10 Apr 2019
And do not say of those who are killed in the cause of God, “Dead.” Rather, they are alive, but you do not perceive. (2:154)
Jannah Road Charity Trust

Jazak Allah Khair for your generous donation. May Allah swt bless you and all your family inshaAllah, Ameen. Kiwis & Muslims together United! ALL ONE FAMILY

Jannah Road Charity Trust
Tacettin Köse
Tacettin Köse on 10 Apr 2019
Donate from Germany to Christchurch
Jannah Road Charity Trust

Sending our Love and regards to Germany. Selamlar & saygilar, kucak dolusu sevgiler. Allah Razi Olsun Tacettin Kardesim/Abim Thank you very much for your generous donation. Kiwis & Muslims together United! ALL ONE FAMILY

Jannah Road Charity Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Apr 2019
Jannah Road Charity Trust

Thank you very much for your generous donation. Kiwis & Muslims together United! ALL ONE FAMILY

Jannah Road Charity Trust
Carolyn Enting
Carolyn Enting on 06 Apr 2019
Jannah Road Charity Trust

Thank you very much for your generous donation. Kiwis & Muslims together United! ALL ONE FAMILY

Jannah Road Charity Trust
Lisa on 05 Apr 2019
Jannah Road Charity Trust

Thank you very much for your generous donation. Kiwis & Muslims together United! ALL ONE FAMILY

Jannah Road Charity Trust

Who's involved?

Jannah Road Charity Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jannah Road Charity Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Mar 2019 and ended on 22 Apr 2019.