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All the way- help us to build the final stage of Waipu's cycle and walkway from the village to the cove.

$7,728 of $100,000 goal
Given by 53 generous donors in over a year

The final push is on to built the last 3km of walking and cycling trail from Waipu to Waipu Cove. Your donation will get this done sooner.


We've already built 5km of the 8km trail from Waipu Village to Waipu Cove.

Feedback from walkers and cyclists of all ages and abilities has been incredibly positive about being safe off-road and enjoying the trail experience and scenic views along this coastal path.

We're grateful to our community and donors who have generously supported the build of this community asset.

Our final push is to build the last 3km.

Your donations will enable us to finish the trail as soon as possible.

About us

Our vision is to create a safe trail for walkers and cyclists of all ages and abilities from Waipu to Waipu Cove for locals and visitors to experience our beautiful coastal scenery.

Use of funds

We're fundraising now to pay for the final build of the last 3km of the trail, including planning and design, construction, fencing, planting, signage and amenities such as shelters and interpretation boards.

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Latest update

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Local trail popular over holiday season  3 January 2022

So gratifying to see the number of runners, cyclists and trail users of this newest community asset over the holiday season-especially with the roads so busy.

Thanks for your positive feedback and donations. We’re stoked to be getting so close to starting the build. Watch this space for some exciting news from Council who are partnering with us.

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Latest donations

Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 30 Jun 2023
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Peter on 11 May 2022
susan on 18 Apr 2022
Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group

Thank you very much for your kind support.

Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group
Dulcie on 08 Apr 2022
Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group

Thank you very much!

Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group
Kathy on 08 Apr 2022
Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group

Thank you for your support!

Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group

Who's involved?

Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Waipu Cycle and Walkway Group (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 26 Jul 2021 and ended on 30 Jun 2023.