Help support young women aged 18 - 30 to attend the 2016 HFNZ Young Women's Weekend at Hanmer Springs.
In February of 2016 young women from around NZ will gather at Hanmer Springs for the HFNZ Young Women's Weekend. This is a chance for young leaders to share their insights and experiences as members of HFNZ, and as a part of the wider NZ bleeding disorders community.
While haemophilia is usually more closely associated with males, women are also affected, as carriers, or as symptomatic sufferers in their own right. There are also a number of other inherited bleeding disorders, like von Willebrands disease, which directly impact on the women in our community.
The Young Women's Weekend is an opportunity for these women to come together and support one another, and to celebrate all the things that bind them. They'll also have the chance to learn some new things in the workshops provided, and perhaps to step out of their comfort zone just a little. This is a fantastic end full of fun, adventure, eduction, and friendship, which is one of the highlights in HFNZ's calendar of events for 2016.
Haemophilia and other inheritable bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand's Disorder are rare lifelong chronic medical conditions.
Through our Outreach Workers, innovative educational initiatives and camps, physical activity and supportive footwear programmes, HFNZ is able to assist people with these rare disorders through all stages of their life.