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Help us help Hoby

$2,620 of $1,700 goal
Given by 130 generous donors in 11 weeks

Hoby is one of our dear rescues who is in much need of our ongoing support for injuries he suffers as a result of his pre-rescue treatment.


Hoby was rescued at six months old and was really an accidental rescue.... CDANZ were rescuing three six week old puppies when a kind lady alerted them to her neighbouring property who were life chaining a 12 yr old Rottweiler, she had been repeatedly bred from and Hoby and the pups were some of the lucky ones.

While rescuing the younger pups, Hoby was seen tied and hanging from the back of a truck, she immediately caught him and he was included in the rescue. They had admitted that Hoby was being driven to be disposed of (shot).

Unfortunately his mum could not be rescued, his 'owners' reasoning was that she would die soon enough anyway.

It was only when Hoby went into his first foster home that the seriousness of his situation became apparent, he lay in fear in a laundry room, not even going outside to pee, he toileted on himself and froze in fear when people approached. He changed to a foster home with dogs and although still completely paralysed with fear he managed to come out of his shell ... Very slowly! We found he would willingly follow the other dogs but would completely withdraw from people.

He was hand shy, he cowered away from people, he was one of the most fearful, abused and unsocialised CDANZ had ever rescued.

We can't begin to imagine what his situation was for the first six months of his life as he had lost all trust in people. He didn't know how to play, or interact with anyone. One thing we did know from his original 'owners' was that children had docked the pups tails ... Using scissors.

It took weeks for him to go outside to use the garden, months until he would leave the house willingly for walks and even longer to be able to walk past people in the street.

Unfortunately this was not the end for Hoby's bad luck. In 2014 Hoby started to limp and lose power in his back end, he was diagnosed with possible hip dysplasia, however, after x Rays it was seen that both cruciate ligaments would need operating on with the right hind leg needing immediate attention. It has been a few months but it is now inevitable that Hoby will need his second cruciate repairing. He also seems to have an old spinal injury, which doesn't present any immediate problems.

It has been a long, unfortunate journey for Hoby with an extremely abusive past and repeated orthopaedic problems thought to have arisen from his poor nutritional/abusive start in life but he is improving so much daily.

He has the most gentle soul and deserves the chance to do what he loves the most... Swimming trips to Kakamatua Beach :)

Please help us help Hoby.

Chained Dog Awareness New Zealand's involvement (page creator)

While Hoby is now thriving wonderfully in his forever home we cannot turn our backs on helping him & his family during this time of need.

His family have put so much love, time & care into his emotional recovery and we think it's only right to help out with his physical care.

About us

The Chained Dog Awareness NZ Trust was created in 2001 to inform people of the increasing number of dogs that are permanently chained or locked away and for whom existence is a living hell.

We ensure that someone speaks up for them and we attempt to alleviate their suffering. We ultimately wish to see a total ban on life-chaining in New Zealand.

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Guest Donor on 02 Jul 2015
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Guest Donor on 24 Jun 2015
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Guest Donor on 24 Jun 2015
Bayly Spencer
Bayly Spencer on 17 Jun 2015
Kick ass, Hoby!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Jun 2015

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Chained Dog Awareness of New Zealand's avatar
Created by Chained Dog Awareness New Zealand, paying to a verified bank account of Chained Dog Awareness of New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 11 Jun 2015 and ended on 31 Aug 2015.