A race to test the mind, body and soul.
Dunedin, Otago
Enjoy the glorious ecstasy of running up and down Mt Cargill as many times as you can in a 24 hour period.
8.5 km to get up there and back with roughly 575.23m elevation.
Enter at your own risk.
Koha entry that goes towards supporting the awesome work of The Valley Project.
Also includes the Cargill Canine Crusher Challenge.
The usual rules for CtC. No rules except you must touch the trig each lap for it to count.
There will be no track marking, no race packs, and possibly no prizes... but sometimes people give us stuff so we give it away.
We're a community led development project. Together with our community, we aim to enhance the life of the North East Valley community, particularly as it promotes the wellbeing of local children and their families and whanau.
Support the Koha of the Valley Project that supports community lead intuitive programs deep in the North East Valley and Surrounding Areas in Dunedin.