Crush the Cargill 24 hour Challenge 2019

$1,470 of $5,000 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in around 5 months

Crush the Cargill 24 hour Challenge is a koha entry event to raise funds for the Valley Project.


The bravest of the brave will compete to see who can smash out the record for the greatest number of Cargill ascents over a 24-hour period. Plus, the Cargill Crusher Canine Challenge - Number of times your canine buddy can go up and down Mt Cargill in 24 hours.

What is this madness in aid of? The Valley Project of course!

Show your support for these fantastic people by donating a little if you can, or give it a go yourself.

About us

We're a community led development project. Together with our community, we aim to enhance the life of the North East Valley community, particularly as it promotes the wellbeing of local children and their families and whanau.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to support community-led development projects in North East Valley, Dunedin. These projects include many environmental projects, cosy homes initiatives, kai share, community events and much more.

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Latest donations

Malcolm on 30 Dec 2019
Keep on crushing team. Love your work!
Lynn on 20 Dec 2019
Logan and Lynn four laps, two in the early hours of the morning. Full moon and a great sunrise.
Ian Salek
Ian Salek on 18 Dec 2019
$1 per km
Shona on 15 Dec 2019
Chantal on 15 Dec 2019

Who's involved?

The Northeast Valley Community Development Project's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Northeast Valley Community Development Project (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 Aug 2019 and ended on 14 Jan 2020.