What is the Project about? Enhancing the life of the NEV community.
The Valley Project was born partly of The education council. Their goals are similar:
•Collaborating with educators and community groups to remediate underachievement in North Dunedin.
•To be proactive in removing barriers to achievement.
•To work collaboratively with the community.
•To build resilient families, particularly those which struggle.
•To establish systems and trial projects which support children and families, especially those in most need.
•To find ways to develop whanau support structures for those disconnected from iwi and hapu and to recreate the extended family for those at a distance or alienated from such networks.
•To design strategies which encourage a ‘pay it forward’ philosophy amongst the community of North Dunedin;
•To find smart ways of operating which lead to self-sufficiency and sustainability, building social capital especially by promoting local philanthropy and neighbourliness.
•To operate in the community with a high level of cooperation and collaboration.
We're a community led development project. Together with our community, we aim to enhance the life of the North East Valley community, particularly as it promotes the wellbeing of local children and their families and whanau.
Wow thank you so much Community Orchard Project - The Valley Project looks forward to re-investing this donation into the project. Ka mihi James.
Thank you Ben for your continued support. You rock!
Thank you so much for your very kind donation. Much aroha!
Thank you Alana for your continued support. It is much appreciated.