Heart /kidney transplant

$1,287 of $10,000 goal
Given by 24 generous donors in around 8 months

This is my last shot, I require a heart transplant , following a Heart graft, infections, stroke, heart attack, I appreciate your help.


My name is Jo Wilson,

I’m a 46 Yr old mother of 4, I would like to ask for donations from any kind person who can help me and my support persons , fund a trip to be in Auckland to receive a heart transplant / kidney. Myself and a support person leave on the 9th May for testing, to see if I’m a candidate for the operation .

I have already been at deaths door after suffering a stroke in 2018 after a previous graft on my heart became infected. I was in a coma for 3 weeks, and was very lucky to survive. Only 18months later, I once again faced a life and death battle as I arrested on the bed in Dunedin hospital during an angiogram, was resuscitated for 45 minutes, and once again in a coma for over 2 weeks, my family was told I was unlikely to wake up, now the only hope I have is a heart transplant.

I have been out of work for the past year and Cannot afford to be away from my kids / pet for 6-12weeks without your support, some money will also support my support persons that will change regularly depending on work etc.

This is the last shot at getting better for myself and my kids, any help will b greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Joelene Wilson

Use of funds

Support person, food, accommodation, and any other associated costs. If I don’t fit the criteria for a heart transplant will donate the unused funds to the heart foundation. Previous fundraising pages on Givealittle https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/joneedsyourhelpplease and here https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/supportformax

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Latest update

Feeling good at the moment🤗  7 October 2021

Living life as best as I can for ME! Still waiting on 1 last test!

Don’t you love the longer days/ warmer weather, and the sound of happy kids❤️

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Latest donations

Maree on 07 Oct 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Jul 2021
All the best on your journey Jo.😊
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Jul 2021
Takiwai on 03 Jun 2021
Rayoni on 23 May 2021
Good luck to you and all your family. Thinking of you. Xx

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Jo Wilson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jo Wilson
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This campaign started on 24 Apr 2021 and ended on 20 Dec 2021.